Officers dragging feet on conducting inquiry; passing buck on each other

*Lists fudged on politicians’ pressure to favor workers
Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, July 24: At a time when much thrust is being laid on transparency and accountability in the functioning of the Government, all the officers responsible for conducting inquiry into the solar lights distribution scam of Kishtwar and fixing the responsibility are dragging their feet and passing buck on each other despite being aware of the fact that lists of the beneficiaries were fudged on the pressure of certain influential politicians in order to favor their workers and close associates.
Due to delay in conclusion of inquiry, the genuine people of the district have been deprived of the solar lights, which were sanctioned for the financial year 2013-14 but lying undistributed with the Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency.
The solar lights scam came to the fore on July 7, 2015 when objections were raised over distribution of the same in Chatroo area of Kishtwar district by ignoring the guidelines and norms laid down by the State Government and Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
On this day, numerous complaints were lodged with the District Magistrate Kishtwar, Mohammad Javed Khan alleging preparation of biased lists of beneficiaries at grass root level leaving many eligible beneficiaries out of the list to avail the benefits of solar lights.
Since distribution of solar lights to non-deserving people had led to serious law and order problem, the District Magistrate vide order No.DCK/Adm/1035-40 issued orders for stopping the distribution of solar lights in Inderwal constituency with immediate effect and withholding this exercise till the outcome of the inquiry, which was ordered to be conducted by a committee headed by Additional District Development Commissioner, Avtar Singh Chib.
The ADDC was directed to verify the lists of village/block level and submit report within 15 days indicating the deficiencies/negligence in preparation of lists allegedly prepared in violation of norms and fix the responsibility of officers/officials responsible for the same.
On the very next day, the District Development Commissioner directed the Assistant Commissioner Development to explain as why the incorrect lists were prepared and submitted to DC’s office without any verification and District officer JAKEDA was directed to explain the reasons for by-passing the committee, which was constituted to oversee and supervise the distribution of solar lights.
The Assistant Commissioner Development, A H Qazi vide Order No.ACDK/2491-2506 dated July 9, 2015 sought explanation from the concerned officers of the Rural Development Department for preparation of incorrect lists and submission of same to his office without re-verification.
However, none of the officer has completed the inquiry or process of seeking explanation till date despite the fact that due to non-completion of inquiry the process of distribution of solar lights has remained stalled and people are remaining deprived of the solar lights, which were released by the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy during 2013-14 financial year. A total of 19000 such lights were released and major chunk of the same remained un-distribution till date, official sources told EXCELSIOR.
According to the information available with EXCELSIOR, neither Additional District Development Commissioner has completed the verification till date nor has Assistant Commissioner Development brought to the conclusion the process of seeking explanation from officers of Rural Development Department. Moreover, the Assistant Commissioner Development has not explained his position before the Deputy Commissioner till date.
“It is still a mystery as to who were the officers and officials who had succumbed to the political pressures and played role in getting the lists fudged”, sources said, adding “neither Deputy Commissioner nor ADDC and ACD are aware as to how school going children and family members of a Sarpanch found mention in the list of beneficiaries”.
Stating that each and every officer or official connected with the solar lights distribution scam is dragging feet on holding of proper inquiry and only passing buck on each other, sources said, “ACD has failed to pin-point the officers responsible for fudging of lists, ADDC has failed to complete verification of lists and submit report to the Deputy Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner has failed to get his orders implemented in time-bound manner”.
When contacted, Assistant Commissioner Development, A H Qazi said, “I am not in a position to explain as to how much officers have submitted the reports vis-à-vis the Village Level Workers and Sarpanches, who had allegedly misused their powers while preparing the list of beneficiaries”, adding “I will check with my officers and then explain to you the details”.
Additional District Development Commissioner, Avtar Singh Chib flatly refused to speak on the subject and said, “I don’t share any information on telephone. For that you will have to come to my office. It hardly matters how much distance you will have to travel for meeting me”.
Despite repeated attempts, Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar, Mohammad Javed Khan didn’t pick up his phone.
The stand taken by all the concerned officers is a clear indication that they have no intention to complete the inquiry into the solar lights distribution scam despite being aware of the fact that genuine people have been deprived of the same since long. “Certainly, politicians who had fudged the lists don’t want the facts to become public and the possibility of their exerting pressure for getting the inquiry prolonged cannot be ruled out”, sources said.