Omar calls for calm, says elements trying to take law & order in their control

NC vice president Omar Abdullah addressing a press conference in Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel
NC vice president Omar Abdullah addressing a press conference in Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Aug 3: Former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today asked people to control their emotions as there are some elements who want to take law and order in their control.
Omar asked people during a press conference here today after NC delegation met Governor this morning that they should control their emotions at this juncture.
“I request people to control their emotions. There are some elements who want people to take law in their own hands so that they go ahead with their designs. We need to ensure it does not happen. We want everyone to deal with the situation calmly. As far as our party is concerned we would fight every possible way to safeguard the special status of the State”, he said.

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The former Chief Minister said Prime Minister Narendra Modi also assured the NC delegation that there would be no tinkering with Article 35 A. “The Prime Minister also referred to the views of Governor’s wherein he has assured that there would be no tinkering with Article 35 A. The Prime Minister told us that he wants elections in the State and does not want any deterioration of the situation. He also showed satisfaction over the betterment is the situation as compared to last year. We were satisfied after that meeting but we were not expecting such order within 24-hours of that meeting. We did not get any indication from the Prime Minister that there was any threat to the Yatra. That is why we want to listen from the Parliament what are their intentions regarding the situation of Kashmir”, he said.
The NC leader said that Governor Satya Pal Malik has assured him that no initiative about apprehensions regarding Article 35 A, Article 370, delimitation and trifurcation of the State are in progress.
“We ask the Government that apprehension regarding Article 35 A is there but people are also talking about Article 370, delimitation and trifurcation of the State. However, the Governor assured us that no such initiate is in progress. No preparations are being done for announcements of any kind. He also told us that a statement will also be issued from his side to assure the people”, Omar told press conference here today.
He said as they were not getting any right answers on the current situation in Kashmir he along with his party colleagues met Governor. “We are not getting the right answers from anywhere. We told him that you charge us with spreading rumours but the fact is that we are unable to receive answers wherever we go to seek the truth. When we ask the officials they show ignorance but maintain that something is going to happen. But nobody knows what this something is?”, he said.
The NC leader said that the leadership at the centre should come up with a statement in the Parliament and assure people of the State. “We want to listen from the Parliament that people here do not need to worry”, he said.
Omar said that the advisories issued by the Government has led to chaos. “If we take things in isolation they make sense. For example, the deployment of troops was made to give some relief to the existing troops. But when we start taking all the orders together with the breakdown of the ceasefire agreement, with the Jammu and Kashmir Police asking for stocking of law and order maintenace equipment, order issued by Railway Police. Moreover, when we take it together with the order issued by the Home Secretary yesterday then question start arising what is happening and that is why we have been knocking on every possible door to try and get answers”, he said.
“Governor is not the final word on Jammu and Kashmir. The final word on the State is GoI therefore more than what Governor tells us publically, I definitely would like to hear from GoI publicly that there is nothing the people have to worry about and we can do our normal business”, Omar said.
The former Chief Minister said that restive Kashmir is not in the interest of Government of India. “We do not want silence from GoI over the issue because we want them to recognize that it is not in their interest to have a restive Jammu and Kashmir. It is not in their interest to have unsettled and tense Jammu and Kashmir. Therefore anything that GoI can say to settle stresses and tensions that people have here. It is their interests as much as it is our interest. The promises made to the State when acceding to India should be respected as they were not time bound promises”, he said.
Earlier a delegation of NC leaders led by Omar Abdullah and comprising Ali Mohammad Sagar, Rahim Rather, Nasir Sogam and Hasnain Masoodi met Governor this morning.