Omar dares BJP to hold Assembly elections in J&K

‘NC to fight for statehood’
Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 31: Former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today challenged the BJP to hold the elections in Jammu and Kashmir, saying that they cannot even win 10 seats here.
Addressing a public rally in Kupwara district, Omar said: “I challenge them to hold the Assembly election in J&K. They will not even win 10 seats out of 90 seats across the length and breadth of J&K. All their B, C, and D teams will be defeated if they hold the elections in J&K.”
He said the BJP knows if they hold elections in J&K everything will get exposed. “That is why they don’t hold elections in Jammu and Kashmir. They already witnessed people’s resentment in Ladakh elections where they could manage to win only two seats out of 26,” he said.
“Either today, tomorrow or day-after-tomorrow, they (BJP) will have to hold elections in Jammu and Kashmir. They cannot run forever from elections. They have to hold elections someday in Kashmir.”.
The NC leader said that the destruction and devastation done in J&K in the last five years by the BJP is unimaginable.
“They (BJP) took bribes from unemployed youth. They took bribes from big companies. There are allegations of huge corruption in other departments as well,” he said.
Omar said that all the officers have been brought from outside to manage the affairs of Kashmir.
“These officers cannot speak the language, forget about the religion. There is not a single Muslim officer in Kashmir. What is our fault? Why such a treatment with us? Can they do such a thing in a state like Uttar Pradesh,” Omar asked.
Speaking to reporters at Karnah in Kupwara today, the NC leader said that his party will do every bit to get Statehood back to Jammu and Kashmir, whether it will conceive before elections or afterwards.
Omar said that he won’t contest polls but NC will not leave space to others and will participate in every elections.
He asserted that the NC will participate in elections and will get Statehood back to J&K come what may.
“We will do every bit to get Statehood back to J&K whether it will materialize before elections or afterwards,” he added.
To a query, the NC leader said the party will field a new candidate for north Kashmir’s Parliamentary seat as sitting MP’s health conditions does not permit him to reach out to the people.
“Individuals cannot decide of their own. It is party who will take a call and nominate a new candidate for people. The discussions within the party will take place and party head will take a call on it,” he said.
When asked whether NC will fight Parliamentary polls jointly with other regional parties, he said there is no decision yet. “There is no decision taken yet. So far elections are going to happen in 5 states, let the results come from there, so accordingly future course of action will be set,” he added.