Omar pays rich tributes to Madr-e-Meherban

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, July 10: Paying rich tributes to Madr-e-Meherban Begum Akbar Jehan on her death anniversary, Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has described her epitome of courage and a compassionate mother.
“It was Madr-e-Meherban who always supported Sher-i-Kashmir and spearheaded his mission when he was in jail, she exhibited highest courage, determination and commitment to lead the people in absence of Sheikh Abdullah”, he said, adding that Begum Akbar Jehan dedicated her life to people and worked tirelessly for their welfare and development with special focus on downtrodden, weaker sections, women and children.
The Chief Minister said that constitution of Gujjar and Bakerwal Advisory Board, Mobile Schools and Mobile Dispensaries for them, energizing Red Cross movement and establishment of Miskeen Bagh Education and Craft Training Centre for Women were some of the historic decisions taken by the Government on the advice of Begum Sher-i-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
“Proper nurturing of children particularly belonging to weaker sections, Gujjar and Bakerwals and other economically downtrodden categories was her highest dream to realize. She worked throughout her life in this direction”, he said adding that holistic development of women and children and their educational excellence was her aim in life.
“From my childhood, I remained closely attached to my Dadi and found her always working for the welfare of people especially women and children. Whenever I entered her room, I saw her either offering Nimaz or reciting Quran. I saw her always praying for the betterment and welfare of the people and prosperity of the State”, Omar said and maintained that the best way to pay homage to Madr-e-Meherban is to carry forward her mission of devoting selfless service to the people and treating all with love and affection.