Omar questions Pak intentions to resolve Kashmir issue

* Need to bury the hatchet: Musharraf

NEW DELHI, Nov 17:
Does Pakistan have the ‘niyat’ i.e. sincere intention, to resolve the Kashmir issue, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today asked former Pakistani military ruler Pervez Musharraf.
“Let me assure (all) that it is a misconception that it is Pakistan’s military which does not want a solution of the Kashmir dispute. Let me tell you with full sincerity and honesty, Pakistan army wants a solution of Kashmir…We want a solution of Siachen. We want a solution of Kashmir,” Musharraf said at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit here.
Omar, who was to speak shortly after Musharraf’s address, was called upon by moderator Karan Thapar to ask a question and left the audience in splits as he introduced him to Musharraf as the “Chief Minister of our Kashmir” and who was “waiting patiently to become Chief Minister of your Kashmir”.
Omar asked three questions with the first being if Musharraf believes that the UN resolution (on plebiscite) that Pakistan continues to “harp upon” are still relevant in today’s day and age.
“Of course, if you talk on an official basis, it stands. The UN resolution stands,” he said. However, he added both India and Pakistan have to move forward from stated positions and go for resolutions.
“If somebody was to officially ask Pakistan, certainly the 1948 UN resolution stands. But let’s move away from it. Let’s move ahead together…The UN resolution certainly stands and nobody can ignore it in Pakistan but Pakistan certainly would like to, and in my tenure, certainly we were moving. We wanted to leave the stated position behind,” the former Pakistani ruler who is now in exile said.
Asked how much of his four-point programme on Kashmir was accepted by both Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh Government, he said there was “wide agreement”.
His formula included gradual demilitarisation along the Line of Control, maximum self governance to the two halves of Kashmir, making LoC irrelevant by opening as many routes along the border as possible and working on an over-watch mechanism.
“With Vajpayee Sahab, it was not a resolution of the dispute. It was a joint resolution that we were drafting accepting the realities of the disputes between India and Pakistan including Kashmir.
“There were two or three sentences on Kashmir that this is the key factor which… Between the two countries and we must solve them. It was clearly stated in the joint declarations. The joint statement was not issued unfortunately,” he said.
Musharraf added he and Singh were trying to draft an agreement. “But certainly, the draft was not complete. And these were hitches… But on the general plain, I would say there was wide agreement”.
He said the agreement was supposed to be for 15 or 20 years. “To be tried out and then readjusted after that final tuning of whatever has gone right or wrong…So, I think that is the way forward,” he said noting that no one he has ever spoken to, both in Kashmir and other places, have been able to give a solution to the Kashmir issue.
Observing that the country was yet to mature to multi-party governance, Omar said it is impossible to eradicate corruption in a coalition Government as “trade-offs” become necessary in such a dispensation.
“It is impossible to eradicate corruption in a coalition Government,” Omar said at the Summit programme titled ‘What India needs: Perspective of young leaders’.
During the discussion, in which Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab Sukhbir Singh Badal also participated, Omar was asked whether it was difficult to fight corruption in a coalition Government.
“I believe that you can fight corruption but I also believe it is impossible to eradicate corruption in a coalition dispensation and that is the way it is.
“This is my opinion and you can have yours. This opinion is formed not because I am a Chief Minister of a coalition Government for a few years, but this opinion is formed by the last more than a decade of electoral politics, both with UPA and NDA.
The Chief Minister, who was a Minister of State in the NDA regime also, said, “I believe both Governments would have wanted to do more to fight corruption but they found themselves in coalition where unfortunately trade offs become necessary”.
Omar said it was the regional parties and not the States, which dictate the policy to the Centre and cited Foreign Direct Investment in retail as an example.
“Jammu and Kashmir Government should have been free to decide whether it wanted FDI in retail or West Bengal Government would have been free to stop it. But at the end, regional parties were able to call the shots,” he said.
The Chief Minister said he has not generally faced any problems with the Centre and that the perception about him being a ‘Delhi’s man in Kashmir or Kashmir’s man in Delhi’ was limiting his role.
“Why I have to be either. I represent the aspirations of people of my State in Delhi when I come here and I also inform people of my State as to what is happening here and how we will be impacted in J&K by the policies and decision of the Government of India.
“I am the bridge between the State and the Centre and, therefore, to try and pigeon hole me as one or the other, is, I believe will be simplistic,” he said.
Omar said he had done a lot of plain speaking during his tenure as Chief Minister. “When Sonia Gandhiji was in Srinagar to inaugurate a railway station, I told her, look we are grateful for all economic assistance we receive but let’s not forget at basic level that Jammu and Kashmir is a political issue.
“It requires political handling. You can’t buy a solution in Jammu and Kashmir. Now these are not statements for which I got a slap on my wrist….,” he recalled.
Omar felt that he was the most outspoken Chief Minister as far as Jammu and Kashmir was concerned including that on the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act.
“I have been the most outspoken Chief Minister as far as JK is concerned whether in regard to the AFSPA unlike one of my predecessors who only discovered it after he demitted office. I have been talking about it consistently as Chief Minister,” he said, without naming PDP patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed.
Omar noted that at times the boundaries were overstepped, which undermined the individual characteristic of the State.
“Like we had trouble in 2010, it did not help my cause to have the Home Secretary come to Srinagar and talk about when and where curfew will be lifted. It has nothing to do with that but in person it gives an impression that it was Delhi which was pulling the strings, which was not correct.
“So there are times when certain people here need to recognise that states have their own individual character and authority and they need to be careful not to step on their toes but other than that I don’t have any other problem with the Government of India.”
Asked if age was coming in the way of his Congress ministers not taking him seriously in the cabinet especially Peerzada Sayeed, who had said that he would be submitting his resignation to Congress President Sonia Gandhi only, he said, “No. I have had no problem of being taken seriously. I operate in a coalition system.”
“The Congress Ministers, at the end of the day, belong to Congress party and, therefore, they are accountable to their leadership,” he said, defending Peerzada’s decision.
Peerzada was divested of his portfolio of Education Department after it was alleged that his son passed the board exams using unfair means.
“What Peerzada Sayeed Sahab said is not wrong. He is being absolutely correct. His primary loyalty will lie with Mrs Gandhi. Having said that in the conduct of his work, I never had problems with any of my Congress ministers not following through with decisions that have been taken or the discussions that I had.
“I had never had a Minister turn around and say that I will go and tell Mrs Gandhi and get this decision reversed,” he said.
The Chief Minister lamented that in India age was being equated with wisdom. “It is a different matter that in this country, for whatever reasons, we equate age and wisdom. The older you are the wiser you are. And, therefore, younger people are believed to be incapable of delivering.
He said the average age profile in the west had changed dramatically as compared to India and added in a lighter vein, that “it is one of the reasons why I am grey as it is a disadvantage to hide it in this country”.
On strengthening of regional parties in the next general elections and whether the Prime Minister would be from a Third  Front, Omar said, “Honestly, for the sake of the country, I hope not because our experience has been that they (regional party PM) have been inherently unstable.”
Voicing his opposition to coalition politics, he said, “We have not matured as a country to work in a coalition Government. We need to learn how to work in a coalition Government.”
Omar suggested that before entering into a coalition Government, all parties should agree on a common minimum programme after which they should not oppose it.
About dynastic politics prevalent among regional parties, he said national parties are also identified with families.
“But at the end of the day it is happening in a democracy. People have the right to choose. I have won elections, I have lost elections….I will govern my State for six years I will go back to the people, if the people are happy with what I have done they will re-elect me.
“If they are unhappy with what I have done they will send me to the opposition… And this is the way it is and my family has nothing to do with that.
He said families have a role of only getting them through the door at the first instance.
“What my family does or what any body’s family does is get them through the door at the first instance and that is not unique to politics. Business, sport, entertainment any field you look at you get your foot on the floor because of the family ou belong to. After that is you what you do with that,” he said.
Asked if he had any particular role model, Omar said, “Honestly, no particular individual because when you emulate somebody for good or bad, there is not a single individual who has only good points.
“There are parts of an individual that I would certainly like to emulate. I mean Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s eloquence, his ability to get his point of view across I wish I could speak publicly half as well as he does.
“My grandfather’s steadfast commitment to politics, my father’s ability to connect with people there are no better campaigners,” he said, adding “there are good and bad things about individuals and, therefore, a single role model I don’t have. I would rather be able to pick and choose good from a handful of people.”
Underlining that there is a need to “bury the hatchet”, former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf today said the Kashmir issue, the “root cause which spawns war”, needs to be resolved.
He claimed that the Pakistan Army was fully backing the peace initiative with India and stressed that all issues have to be dealt with at the same time rather than follow a “step-by-step” process.
“We need to resolve the long-standing disputes between India and Pakistan because these are the causes of hatred, causes of conflict and the wars…
“We have to resolve this (Kashmir issue). This is actually the root cause which spawns not only the war or conflict but which spawns Mujahideens and religious militancy in Pakistan,” Musharraf said at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit here.
He said the issues need to resolved for the socio-economic development of the people.
“It is high time we open our eyes to reality,” he said, adding that both India and Pakistan need to take cue from Europe.
“We need to bury the hatchet,” the former military ruler, who is now in exile said.
Musharraf spoke about his four-point formula for resolving the Kashmir issue, a matter he said was discussed with former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
His formula included gradual demilitarisation along the Line of Control, giving maximum self governance to the two halves of Kashmir, making LoC irrelevant by opening as many routes along the border as possible and working on an over-watch mechanism.
Musharraf said he had invited Manmohan Singh to visit Pakistan in 2007 but had said that the trip would be “meaningless” if any pacts are not signed. “Unfortunately he didn’t.”
However, Musharraf stressed that he did not “feel let down” by Manmohan Singh as he had “the highest esteem for him”.
The former President also said that India, should be magnanimous and generous and take the initiative for a paradigm shift for a way forward in uniting South Asia.
He said that compromise and accommodation should come from the “bigger and stronger”.
In his opinion, the three essential prerequisites for improving ties between the two countries are good ‘niyat’ of the leadership of the two countries, compromise and cooperation between the leaders and leaders forcing their will on the diplomats to take forward the ties.
“No hypocrisy but niyat or a sincere intention with heart, soul and mind, is required or a paradigm shift,” Musharraf, who was President from 2001-08 said.
He also blamed the India Army for not being keen on finding a solution to Siachen, despite the Indian side facing “five-time more casualties due to difficult terrain and bad weather”.
Speaking on the situation in Afghanistan, he said if there are any moves to create an anti-Islamabad Afghanistan, Pakistan will react. “If there is a proxy or an attempt to create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan, we have a right to create a pro-Pakistan Afghanistan,” he said. (PTI)