Omar takes dig at DP

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Mar 14:  Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today “laughed off” at Delhi Police for seeking “unwarranted and weird” enquiries about the Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi.
“There is a spate of robberies in Lutyens Delhi & the police reach Rahul Gandhi’s office to find out what he looks like. You have to laugh,” Omar wrote on micro-blogging site Twitter.Com.
The former Chief Minister said the stand-up comedians would be “salivating” at what they could do with such a “script”.
“Honestly the Delhi Police-RG office script must have stand up comics salivating at what they can do with,” he said.
Omar, the working president of the opposition National Conference (NC) in Jammu and Kashmir, gave the details about his looks in a sarcastic tweet aimed at Delhi Police.
“Dear Delhi Police, just to save your chaps time & effort I’m 179 cms, medium build, fair complexion, grey eyes & greying hair. U R welcome,” he wrote.
Congress today accused the Narendra Modi Government of carrying out “political espionage” on Gandhi claiming his staff had caught a Delhi police official seeking “unwarranted and weird” enquiries about him.
Declaring that the issue of “snooping and surveillance” on Gandhi would be raised in Parliament, the party demanded a “comprehensive explanation from no less than the Home Minister and the Prime Minister,” rejecting the police claim that the episode as merely a security issue.
Gandhi is on a sabbatical since the start of the budget session of Parliament late last month.