Omar takes jibe at PDP, says is anyone in the party leadership listening to Karra

SRINAGAR: Taking a jibe at Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) over its MP from Srinagar and senior leader Tariq Hameed Karra’s alleged tweet, asking his parts to wake up, former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said is anyone in his party leadership listening to him.

This gentleman is an Hon MP of @jkpdp from Srinagar. Is anyone in the leadership of his party listening to him Mr Abdullah, who is the working president of National Conference (NC) wrote on micro-blogging site twitter.

Mr Abdullah was reacting to a tweet posted allegedly by Mr Karra, which read, Knock knock PDP. Still time to wake up. Door closed on communal forces. Window of opportunity opened for secular forces. Knock knock PDP.         Meanwhile, terming the use of religious symbol on UK Parliament wall to oppose Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrong, Mr Abdullah said it is insulting to Hindus everywhere.

To use religious symbology to politically oppose PM Modi, whether in London or anywhere else is wrong & insulting to Hindus everywhere, he wrote. (UNI)