Omar to raise AFSPA issue in internal security meet in Delhi

SRINAGAR, May 22: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said he would raise the issues of partial revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) during the next internal security meeting in Delhi.

“The internal security meeting will be held in Delhi on June 5. The Prime Minister will be attending the meeting and Union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde will chair it. Definitely AFSPA will be discussed again. Why should it not be discussed!” Omar told reporters after a public meeting in Shopian, 55 kilometres from here.

Omar has been advocating revocation of AFPSA from some areas of the State where the Army is not required to operate, but the demand has been so far been stonewalled by the Army.

“The hindrance is coming from the Army. There is nothing hidden in it,” he said in response to a question on why the controversial law was not being revoked when both him and the state Congress president Saifuddin Soz were in its favour.

Omar’s National Conference and Congress are coalition partners in the State Government.

The Chief Minister said the State Government was trying to deal with the resistance and reluctance of the Army on revocation of AFSPA.

“We are trying to persuade them and prepare them for it. There is some resistance and reluctance and we are trying to deal with it,” he added. (AGENCIES)