One day seminar on preservation of heritage sites in JK

JAMMU, MARCH 08 –In order to highlight and discuss the issues related to the preservation of cultural and heritage sites in J&K, the Indian National Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage (INTACH), Jammu Chapter organized one-day seminar on the theme “Preserving the Built Heritage of Jammu and Kashmir & Evolving Technologies & Processes”, here today.

The objective of organizing this important event was to sensitize the stakeholders, especially the engineers about the significance and preservation of ancient precious cultural and heritage sites in Jammu and Kashmir.

Minister for Public Works (Roads & Buildings), Naeem Akhtar was chief guest while as Chairman, INTACH, Maj Gen (Retd) L.K. Gupta was guest of honor on the occasion.

Commissioner/Secretary Transport, Hemant Sharma, State Convener, INTACH, Saleem Beig, Convener Jammu Chapter, S.M. Sahni, Managing Director, JKPCC, Daleep Thussu, Chief Engineer, R&B, Alok Mengi, Chief Engineer, PMGSY, P.L. Bhushan, prominent environmentalist, Dr. C.M. Seth, Members of INTACH, intellectuals and large number of engineers from Jammu division attended the seminar.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that Jammu and Kashmir is known for its unique and diverse cultural and natural heritage values, for which the history is testimony. He called for a coordinated and tangible approach by various stakeholders to preserve this valuable treasure to maintain the legacy for the coming generations. He said culture, art and languages are the identity of every individual, State and nation which inspire the coming generations, thus all out efforts must be made to conserve these.

Appreciating the efforts of the INTACH in restoring and preserving some identified important monuments in the State, the Minister said that the State will devise a well-knit strategy to protect these heritage sites with the help of INTACH and other such credible organizations. He stressed the need for organizing such events in all three regions of the State on regular basis to enlighten the people on this important subject, which he said will greatly help in preserving whatever left back in the State.

The Minister said that engineers have greater responsibility to save these valuable sites and also keeping alive the age old cultural heritages. He called upon them to evolve innovative techniques/ideas to create the heritage value added assets by using traditional material and craftsmen. He asked them to keep in mind the old architectural features which were linked to the local civilizations while executing the new projects to showcase these as heritage to the futuristic generations.

He stressed the need for deputing the engineers to INTACH workshops, research centers at Delhi or elsewhere to acquire the knowledge in preservation of heritage sites so that they can contribute effectively in preserving the numerous heritage sites in the state. He also suggested for carrying out the mapping of all the ancient heritage sites/buildings/structures/shrines with their present status across the State to develop a data base so that the Government can formulate a comprehensive plan for their proper conservation.

Maj. Gen. L.K. Gupta and Mr. Saleem Beig deliberated in-depth on the subject and apprised about its activities in the State. They suggested several measures for effective preservation of these valuable assets and maintained that the State has been bestowed with rich and diverse cultural and natural heritages which need to be preserved under a well devised strategy for which the INTACH will extend its wholehearted support. They suggested that the engineers and architects must keep in mind while executing the new projects that protected heritage sites are not harmed or disturbed. They also called for paying focused attention on the preservation of natural heritages like water bodies, springs, forests to maintain the ecological balance of this rich diverse State.