One of the oldest power plant remains defunct since 1992 in Kashmir

SRINAGAR :  One of the oldest Hydel power plants in South-Asia, Mohra power house, in border town of Uri in north Kashmir has remained defunct since 1992 after it was affected by floods.
However, the Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation (SPDC) has now hired a constultant firm for upgradation of Detailed Project Report (DPR).
This information was given by minister for power and Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh in a written reply to a question by Ghulam Nabi Monga in the Legislative Council here today.
The 9 MW power house which was constructed by European engineers in 1902-03 on the left bank of the river Jehlum on Srinagar-Muzaffarabad road at Boniya Uri, was badly affected due to floods in 1992.
The minister admitted that after the floods the project came to complete halt and stand-still. However, to revive this prestigious project in view of its heritage value of utilizing its existing infrastructure, the JKSPDC hired a consultant firm for its up gradation, the minister said adding the same in under process.
About on a question an another 6 MW power project Trikanjan-2 Baoniyar, Uri, the reply said project has been tendered a couple of times in Independent Power Producer mode. But, he said it could not be awarded due to poor response and now it is again proposed for re-tendering.
But, he said, 8 MW Trikanjan-Ist Boniyar project has been allotted to M/S VRB Hydro Power Private Limited in IPP mode and work on the project is in progress.
About 7 MW Chandanwari Bijhama Nallah, a tributary of river Jehlum in Barmulla, the project has been allotted under IPP mode to M/S Nazir Hussin. At present framing of DPR is in progress, the minister added. (UNI)