Onus on Pakistan to create conducive conditions for talks: India

NEW DELHI: India on Thursday said the onus was on Pakistan to create conducive conditions for talks by taking steps such as action against terrorists and terror infrastructure operating from its soil.

During a media briefing, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar reiterated India’s stand that talks and terror cannot go together and said this was one of the reasons why the scheduled meeting in New York between the foreign ministers of India and Pakistan was cancelled.

Asked if there was any message or signal from the Pakistani side for talks, Kumar said, “I am not aware of any proposal for a track 1 or track 1.5 dialogue or a meeting between India and Pakistan.”

“The onus is on Pakistan to take credible steps, to create conducive conditions, for such talks which of course means taking action against terrorists, taking action against terrorist infrastructure which operates from its soil,” he said. (AGENCIES)