This has reference to the news item regarding ‘Nursing colleges’ DE July 30, 2017.
No doubt you have opened nursing colleges at Rajouri, Jammu and Kishtwar in record time. But, nursing training is always given in hospitals and not in classrooms. I am sure you do not have any big hospitals in any one of three stations referred by you to impart such training. However, majority of such colleges already established have no such hospitals attached with the result that the students that pass out from these colleges do not have even basic practical knowledge of nursing. Thus jeopardizing the life of patients for whom such nurses are trained. In case you depend on district hospitals, they are already overcrowded by their own students, in addition to students from private colleges established in their vicinity. These students have practical training for three months only out of their total course of training, with the result, they virtually learn nothing and just add to the so called trained unemployed man power.
Opening such colleges is not a big job but, training them appropriately certainly is.
Yours etc…
Dr K C Sharma
On e-mail