Opening of fourth bridge

We the residents of Om Nagar Himmat Colony Govind Nagar, Bank Colony and other adjoining areas welcome the construction of fourth bridge for easing out traffic on the Jewel Canal road and Talab Tillo area. The bridge has been connected with the small roads of residential areas which witness heavy traffic rush.
In this connection, we invite the kind attention of the concerned  Deptt. R&B to take in hand on war footing the widening of the road from Yoga Ashram Gobind Nagar to the road connecting the main road of Talab Tiloo to Gole Gujral, as it has become very difficult to even walk on the road due to heavy rush of trucks/tractors and load carriers who have adopted this shortest route. So many schools are on this patch of nearly 2 kms.
If corrective measures are not taken in time, God forbid there might be fatal accidents daily on this route in the meantime, police  deptt is requested to please restrict the movement of  the above said vehicles in this area till widening of the road by the concerned agency.
Yours etc…
Suneel Kumar Tyagi
Om Nagar SOS School
Road Camp Road
Talab Tiloo, Jammu