Our Govt created terror in hearts & minds of terrorists: PM

‘Cong had no courage to face terrorism’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 24: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today that his Government has created terror in the minds and hearts of terrorists that if they commit any mistake, they will be tracked down from anywhere and punished for the crime but lamented the Congress stand on terrorists saying the Opposition party has raised question marks on the brave soldiers, who have taught Pakistan a lesson.
In a series of tweets after addressing election rallies today, Modi said today there was fear among hearts and minds of every single terrorist that if he resorts to any subversive activities, he would be taken to task by the Modi Government and punished for his terror act.
“We will track down the terrorists, wherever they flee after committing the terror act. This is the fear among the terrorists. Contrary to this, Congress and their allies have different kind of approach towards the terrorists. They (the Congress and allies) are raising questions on our brave soldiers, who have taught Pakistan a lesson,” Modi said in an apparent reference to Indian airstrikes in Balakote, Pakis-tan on the camps of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) outfit in which large number of militants were killed as a revenge to February 14 Pulwama terror attack by Jaish in which 44 CRPF personnel were martyred.
Asserting that terrorism is a bigger threat not only before India but entire world, the Prime Minister said his Government has given reply to Pakistan in the language it deserved.
“We killed the militants entering inside their territory and neutralized their mentors,” he added.
Recalling the situation before 2014 in the country on terror front, Modi said: “Pakistan used to send terrorists to India, the terrorists executed the attacks and the Congress Government, which was at the helm of affairs then, used to weep. Can terrorism be fought by weeping and with coward approach?” he asked.
He declared that `New India’ wants a leadership which would fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
“New India wants a Government with a vision and not family rule with divisions. New India wants guarantee to safety and respect,” Modi said, adding that they (the Congress and allies) are seeking proof of attack on the terrorists in Pakistan and only then they will admit that the attack took place.
“They are doubting bravery and courage of our soldiers,” he asserted.
Modi called upon the people to cast their votes in large number free from fear and hold the hands of `Chowkidar’ to make India strong and free from terrorism.
Of late, the Opposition has started talking the language of Pakistan and demanding details of surgical and air strikes at Balakote, Modi said adding that some disgruntled leaders after being isolated from people have started groping to be-little Modi in the eyes of foreigners, the Prime Minister said.
Modi said it was due to effective foreign policy of the NDA Government that countries have decided to give India real-time data of all those who have kept their assets in foreign banks.
“It is India’s power that diplomatic relations with so many countries are at their peak. The Bangladesh border was a big problem for the longest time. It was Sushma Swaraj, who got it done.” he added.
Often in the line of opposition fire over his foreign trips, Prime Minister said India’s might was being acknowledged globally because of his numerous visits abroad. Taking on the opposition for the criticism that he was seen more abroad than in the country during his tenure as the Prime Minister, Modi said, hardly five years back India found it difficult to get its voice heard, but now the world stands with it.
The Prime Minister said there was “a huge storm” in the country when the UAE recently honoured him with the highest civilian award for giving “a big boost” to bilateral relations. “I told them that there will be a lot of issues in my country since the elections are approaching,” he said.
Modi said that during the visit by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, he asked for an increase in the quota of Haj pilgrims from the country by two lakh since the economic condition of Muslims in India has improved.
“This was immediately granted. I asked for increasing Haj quota by 2 lakh, they increased it,” he said.