Outraged industrialists

Bari Brahmana is the industrial hub in Jammu province. Most of the pre-requisites of establishing any industry are already in place except the irritant and irregular functionality of power supply. Mismanagement in power distribution is the bane of our State. The PDD has conceded in no ambiguous terms that its faulting is in distribution of power not actually in its production. Industries require uninterrupted power supply failing which production drops. PDD is aware of that yet it takes no serious action of ensuring uninterrupted power supply to Bari Brahmana industrial units. In a recently organized urgent meeting of the members of Bari Brahmana Industries Association, the issue of deteriorating power supply position of SIDCO Industrial Complex came up seriously. The meeting regretted that the PDD was almost non-serious about taking measures of providing uninterrupted power to the complex. There is regular power cut from 1 to 3 PM to this complex and it ends up with good deal of loss to the industries. The situation is grim at both 50X2 MW Grid Station and the BB-I Receiving Station.
The fact is that power supply position in entire Jammu region is grim. Hardly, do we find a locality that does not protest and raise voice against the PDD for frequent power cuts and interruptions. This phenomenon becomes more hurting during the summer heat. There is lot of talking in Government circles about improvement of power position in the State but so far, no change is visible in a situation that is prevailing for several years in the past. People are yearning for the day when Jammu region will be spared power woes and life of industries and other vital establishments that entirely depend on power supply will be able to heave a sigh of relief.
BBIA has made a very cogent point in legitimizing their grievances against the PDD. It says that the Department has failed to provide funds for the maintenance of Receiving Stations inspite of the fact that industries located in Bari Brahmana, are contributing approximately Rs 140 crore towards the Cost of Power supplied to industrial area, which is around 8 to 10 percent of the total revenue collection of the PDD. Yet despite making this substantial share of power revenue, the department sadly does not meet the basic requirement of the industries in Jammu. The industrialists have effectively clarified their position and the ball is in the court of the PDD. This matter needs immediate attention of the concerned authorities.