Over 1mln SKoreans sign petition to impeach President Yoon

Over 1mln SKoreans sign petition to impeach President Yoon
Over 1mln SKoreans sign petition to impeach President Yoon

Seoul, July 3 : The number of people who have signed a petition calling for the impeachment of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol surpassed 1 million on Wednesday, according to the parliament’s website section for public petitions.
The petition that called on the South Korean parliament to propose an impeachment bill against Yoon was first published on June 24 and collected 100,000 signatures in the first 10 days.
As of 13:00 (04:00 GMT) on Wednesday, a visitor to the petition website has to wait in a 30,000-person queue for about 40 minutes just to gain access to the website.
The lawmakers from the key opposition Democratic Party have supported the petition, saying that the number of signatures reflects the public’s opinion of the president’s work. They have called the petition a “voice of the people.”
Under South Korean law, a petition that has been signed by over 50,000 people in 30 days should be filed with a special parliamentary subcommittee within a committee on legislation and the judicial system, which is to consider it. Then, a petition might be discussed at the parliamentary plenary session. South Korea’s population is roughly 51 million.
In April, the South Korean president’s approval rating nosedived to 23%, the first time since taking office in May 2022. The president’s poor rating was attributed to his foreign and economic policies and to medical school quotas. (Agencies)