Overflowing of irrigation tributary creates havoc in Suriya Vihar

Excelsior Correspondent

Canal water overflowing through a lane in Suriya Vihar on Friday.

JAMMU, Apr 19: With the concerned departments sleeping over the issue there seems to be no end to the woes of the inhabitants of Lane No 22 Suriya Vihar Bohri opposite to J&K Bank where the overflowing of a tributary of the irrigation canal has created havoc.
According to the residents of the area diversion of water by the farmers into the tributary of irrigation canal flowing back side of the colony often results in inundating of the lane and other low lying areas causing health hazards in the area.
The problem has become a permanent one as the concerned authorities are unable to settle it despite repeated pleas from the residents of the area.
The water some times enters the low lying houses, their compounds and perishes the house hold goods said the aggrieved residents who visited Excelsior today. They said that despite bringing the matter in the notice of higher authorities of JMC and Deputy Commissioner Jammu many times but no steps were taken to settle the problem.
The accumulation of water in the lane and compounds of the house is adding to health hazards and there is every apprehension about the spread of epidemic in this hot season, they said and demanded that an immediate solution be found to the problem which has turned the lives of people in the area into a hell.
They said that main reason for overflowing of the water is failure of the authorities to de- silt the canal and its tributary due to which the tributary gets choked and water overflows through the lane.
They said that on the occasion of Ram Navmi most people remained indoors as entire lane was inundated today also. There is no body to hear our woes said an agitating lady of the area who sought the immediate intervention of Minister of Irrigation, Flood Control and PHE Sham Lal Sharma in the matter.