Own defence technology best to counter security threats: Minister

Union Minister of State for Defence Pallam Raju today said the government was committed to encouraging privatisation in the defence sector, especially in the strategic electronics space, to bolster the indigenisation of defence technologies and face any external  threat.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the 3rd Strategic Electronics Summit of the Defence and Aerospace organised by India Semiconductor Association here, he said the internal security situation needed much more attention as the threats were more serious than perceived.
“More importantly the danger India may face after foreign forces withdraw from Afghanistan, the unresolved border dispute with China and constant needling by Pakistan from across the borders call for a strong defence capability,” he said.
He said the current internal security situation was not helping the country and was a big deterrence to its progress, while the country needs full deterrent capability to counter external threats.
“This can be possible if the Strategic Electronic sector develop niche technologies on par with the West. All modern warfare systems depend on electronics system and development of strategic electronics is extremely important,” he said.
Mr Raju said the government was committed to helping the small and medium industries in having a greater participation in developing defence technologies as well as projects under off-set clause. It will help SMEs to sustain themselves in the harsh environment where there is special emphasis on quality and delivery, he said. Mr Raju said threats from cyber space was another big problem the country was facing as its government departments were vulnerable to hacking and other attacks like malware.
“We have to prepare ourselves to face all such threats. It is important that the private sector making the country a hub of hardware manufacturing as well. It is important to build up our own domestic industrial base in hardware and also to ensure there is no breach of security on the cyber space,” he added. (UNI)