PAC passes strictures against various Govt Departments

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Apr 5: The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has passed severe strictures against the functioning of various Government Departments in the State and asked them to improve their functioning.
In its report which was tabled in the State Assembly here yesterday, the Committee has directed the Power Development Department (PDD) to curb the nexus between the field staff and the unregistered consumers and also fix responsibility.
It further directed the Department to take action against the erring officers as well as officials and ensure the registration of all the unregistered consumers within stipulated time.
The Committee observed that the nexus between the PDD field staff and the unregistered consumers was main cause of damage to transformers with the result the genuine consumers face lot of inconvenience.
It observed that previously there were only two hour or three hour power cut which has now reached to 10 hours daily. Moreover the distribution system was not proper. The Department neither has sufficient manpower in the field nor the availability of electric poles. Due to improper transformation lines the people have used barbed wire tagged over the three tops to carry electricity to their houses.
It also observed that the Department has not earmarked sufficient funds for electric poles, transformers or transmission lines and the Legislators provide funds out of their CDF to meet expenses on this account in their respective areas.
The Committee further directed the Department to take necessary steps to check the leakages and register all unregistered consumers, clear up the field staff, check and regularize irregular connections, speed up the metering process and minimize the power cuts.
The Committee also directed the Department to furnish a copy of the agreement made between the NHPC and PDD and also regularize the services of JEs and daily wagers working in various power projects at Leh and Kargil.
The Committee, while taking strong exception to the functioning of the Department observed that due to lack of technical know how (computer software) the operating staff finalize wrong electric bills and same are being charged from consumers. These employees need to be given technical training in respect of meter reading and data preparation so that the general public may not be charged extra billing in contravention to the actual load consumed by them.
It directed the Department to were make Enforcement Wing more active and ensure random checking to curb the menace of illegal power connections. It recommended that PDD should encourage those field staff members who would show good performance in registering the unregistered consumers and also record actual data of power consumption in their respective areas.
On Public Works Department, the Committee observed there was lack of coordination between the R&B Department and other agencies while executing the development works in the State particularly in the construction of roads and buildings. Observing that the wide roads are the important component for the development and progress of the State, it said the roads leading to the blocks, towns and cities have been encroached upon.
The Committee directed the Department, to involve expertise of all the connected agencies  and seek their valuable suggestions for upgradation, improvement and widening of inter district roads and remove bottle necks in all the towns and the cities of the State.
It further directed the Department to formulate a compressive road widening programme to prevent tragic road accidents and also to make sufficient funds available for completion of road connectivity work in the time bound manner in the state.
Passing strictures against PHE Department, the Committee directed it to utilize the funds granted and released for the particular schemes and furnish the utilization certificates to the concerned quarters and fix the responsibility for causing the delay in the completion of projects besides penalizing those officers who failed to furnish the utilization certificates in time.
It also directed the Department to furnish a detailed report regarding supply of inferior quality pipes and refusal of the concerned officers to take the consignment and also intimate what action was taken against the firm for not making supplies according to approved specifications.
It directed the Department to frame a Departmental Committee for Jammu for regular checking of the consignment and certify both in terms of length and weight of the pipes on the pattern of Kashmir, avoid the practice of re-tendering and give necessary instructions to the concerned firms to ensure supply of the ordered material in order to save the Department form extra expenditure.
It also directed the framing of Departmental Committee to probe into delay in water supply scheme Channi-Himmat Trikuta Nagar and Greater Kailash. It directed the Department to probe and fix responsibility and take action against the officers for delay and abandonment of work.
The Committee directed the Department to utilize expert consultancy, technical know how for revival of defunct schemes in question, identify the erring engineers / contractors, fix responsibility and take action.
Showing concern over the shortage of doctors in the hospitals the Committee directed the  Health and Medical Education to fill up all the vacant posts of doctors under the proper procedure / norms prescribed for the same.
The Committee recommended that stern action be taken against the erring officers who have transferred the funds to the JKPCC and the concerned JKPCC authorities who have retained the public money to the tune of Rs 7.02 crore for more than two years.
On Tourism Department the Committee strongly recommended that the J&K State Planning Department should grant and release the balance of three crore to clear the pending cases of hoteliers and house boat owners covered under the PM’s announced scheme.
On RDD the Committee observed that Department had not taken the 3.40 crore SGSY Project for Baramulla district seriously  due to the casual approach of the officers  in charge with the result BPL artisans were deprived of technical training , skill up gradation and marketing support.