Package employees’ relocation demand justified: Ashok Pandit

Film maker Ashok Pandit talking to reporters at Jammu on Wednesday.
Film maker Ashok Pandit talking to reporters at Jammu on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 30: Criticising successive governments for their failures in granting justice to the Kashmiri Pandit community, Filmmaker and Social activist, Ashok Pandit extended support to the relocation demand of package employees while calling it as a justified demand in view of the targeted killings and security threat to the minorities in the Valley.
“The demand of package employees is justified as it is directly linked with the safety of their lives. The Government must initiate a process to fulfill their demand. It should not get worried of the possible criticism from opposition parties if the legitimate demand of employees will be addressed”, he said, adding that the priority of the Government should be to protect lives of employees and instead of watching as a mute spectator. “We have a strong Government in the Centre and everyone knows about it. So, one must not hesitate in taking a bold decision in the interests of employees,” he added.
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“There is nothing wrong in taking a decision of relocating employees till the situation improves. The Government should have no problem with it. It should not fear taking this kind of decision. It is not a big decision. We too have the right to live. It is your duty to protect our Constitutional right. That is why you are on this chair,” he said while making an appeal to LG, HM and the Prime Minister, who is very much concerned about KPs issues, to fulfill the demand of protesting employees without any further delay.
Pandit said that the Government must play a responsible role and save the lives of employees. “You can use us as a reason. You can use our tragedies but can’t relocate us,” he added.
Accusing the UT administration for its callous attitude towards the protesting package employees, Pandit said and stated that one side employee’s demand is not addressed but on the other hand the salaries of employees have been stopped. “This is a kind of atrocity and shameful act on part of the dispensation. Do you want to kill employees because of hunger?” He questioned the Government.
Speaking over the remarks made by the jury from Israel on Kashmir Files, he said that he demanded an investigation in this whole matter as it was all well planted. “I am calling the jury a white colored terrorist and those bureaucrats who appointed him a jury must be suspended. He did the same thing what terrorists are doing, Pandit added.