Package for refugees

Recommending Rs 7000 crore for final settlement of refugees of 1947, 65 and 1971 is indeed a historical step and if okayed by the Centre and sincerely materialised, the living conditions of these people would certainly ameliorate and they will remain indebted to the existing Govts both in the State and the Centre. But the proposal lacks justification so far as the refugees of 1947 are concerned.
Who doesn’t know that these refugees had to leave their hearth and homes when their kith and kins were in pools of blood. Injured  with axes and bullets, these people had to be without food, clothes and shelter for several years after displacement from PoK as the Govts at Centre and State where then in infancy stage and consequently couldn’t wipe the tears of the millions.
Recommending Rs 15 lacs for them exactly after 67 years is not considered sufficient as it doesn’t commensurate with the inestimable losses (both men and material) they suffered. It is, therefore,, highly becoming on the Revenue, Relief and Rehabilitation Minister to accord second thoguht to the proposal and enhance the amount so recommended for them before submission to the Centre, so that the scale of justice coincides with the quantum of losses they suffered in those bloody days.
Yours etc….
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunderbani)