Padha accepts challenges, ready for deliverance

People face host of issues

Haresh Singh
JAMMU: The residents of Ward Number 67 are facing numerous problems including dilapidated condition of lanes and drains, insanitation, no black-topping of roads and other related issues.
The areas, which fall in this Ward mainly comprise Main Muthi, Lower Muthi, Basakhi Colony, Laxmi Nagar, Christian Colony, Chandan Vihar, Lala da Bagh, Nai Basti, Udhaywala and Vishav Bharti.
During an interaction, first- time BJP Corporator of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) from Ward Number 67, Suraj Prakash Padha has asserted to work for the overall development of this Ward.
All the issues including water scarcity, power, insanitary conditions, deplorable condition of lanes and drains, black-topping of roads, etc will be taken up with the concerned authorities for redressal, he added.
“As the public has supported me whole-heartedly to win the election, now it is my turn to work for the same people so that their (public) problems related to sanitation, cleanliness, street lights and others may come to an end soon,” Padha said.
“The funds available with our Ward will be utilized judiciously, prioritizing cleanliness and sanitation. As this Ward is comparatively bigger than others, more funds should be allocated for its development and upgradation” Padha stressed.
“I will strongly plead the public of my Ward to stop using poly bags and plastic goods as these choke the drains and lead to several problems,” he said adding that the people should also stop throwing their garbage here and there and dispose it off at garbage dumping places in the Ward till the dustbins are installed.
He further said that soon he will organise meetings and seminars to sensitise the public about ill effects of using poly-bags and added that it is a challenge for him to get this garbage dump cleared and also prevent the people from further throwing garbage close to residential area.
“Garbage dumping has been a major issue as it is posing a big health hazard for inhabitants and we have started making people aware so that they do not pile heaps of waste outside their houses as this garbage and poly-bags block the drains”, Padha said.
With regard to the menace of stray animals, he said that Veterinary wing of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) will be approached soon to tackle the problem. “Especially the street dogs are big threat as they scare children, women and elders on one hand and spread litter on the other thereby making the environment dirty,” the Corporator said.
The Corporator further said that he will also meet the Traffic authorities to get more cops posted at busy Muthi Road, where frequent traffic jams are witnessed.
He also expressed eagerness to get the fog sprayed in his Ward so that the people may get relief from the mosquitoes.
Apart from this, he plans to arrange some free medical camps, set up two dispensaries which can give better medical facilities in this Ward. He also intends to introduce flushes system sponsored by the Central Government.
Renovation of Higher Secondary School is also an agenda of the newly elected Corporator who demanded a Degree College too in the area and said that the demand would be projected before the concerned quarters in due course of time.
The Corporator also listed the issue of play ground for children, two parking slots and morning walker track along Canal starting from main Muthi Bazaar-Sangrampur road and upgradating of Muthi religious rites places with more sheds and toilets for ladies as his other priorities.
“No problem of the people of this Ward is hidden from me. I have been serving people for last about 46 years, when I dedicated my services to people and later joined BJP party as polling agent in the year 1972,” said Padha, who was two time Block president of BJP, one time district president, Panchayati Raj Parbhari and Surpanch in 2000. The BJP gave him JMC ticket keeping in view his dedication towards the society.
While interacting with the residents of this Ward, it came to the fore that they are facing problems like water scarcity, irregular power supply, insanitary conditions, deplorable conditions of lanes and drains, black-topping of roads, damaged street lights, old electric wires and others such issues.
Suman Bala of Lower Muthi alleged that in their area, there were no public toilets, which should be constructed for general public. According to Sonia Sharma of Lala da Bagh, poor people should get benefit of Centre’s Housing scheme and also financial help for constructing toilets under Swachh Bharat Mission.
Another resident said, that more manpower was required to deal with insanitary issue while one Rattan Lal drew attention towards absence of street lights in the Ward. People also demanded a Government community hall in the area.