Pak army supports infiltrators; vigil along LoC, IB intensified: BSF

BSF and Army officers paying floral tributes to three BSF soldiers killed in militant attack at Macchil sector. —Excelsior/Shakeel
BSF and Army officers paying floral tributes to three BSF soldiers killed in militant attack at Macchil sector. —Excelsior/Shakeel

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Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Aug 9: Border Security Forces (BSF) today said that yesterday’s attack on their forward post in Macchil sector in North Kashmir was Border Action Team (BAT) action and they were supported by Pakistan army.
The Special Director General of Border Security Forces, Arun Kumar, told reporters here that the attack on Roshni Post at Macchil in which three BSF men including an officer was killed yesterday and several others were injured was a BAT action and they were supported by Pakistani army.
“Apparently it seems it is BAT action. Pakistani army has given fire support to infiltrate some of the militants… Prima facie they wanted to do the operation at post itself and weather was not good and they thought they will cause casualties or damage on the post”, said Arun Kumar.
The BSF officer said that their troops gave befitting reply to the BAT and inflicted heavy casuality on them. “The fence near posts is at places broken and the distance is very less from the LoC. They tried to take the advantage of weather and early morning where there is low visibility. They made an effort but the way our boys replied and gave befitting reply and killed their people. We recovered one body which was on our side and on their side how many casualties are there we don’t know and the way there was exchange of fire, I hope there was more damage on their side… The recovery we have made is one AK-47 and one grenade and our people said that they were 6-7 and there was poor visibility”, he said.
The Special DG BSF said that there have been series of incidents where BSF and Army had encounters and neutralized the infiltrators. “Our boys fought and one of the militants was killed. He was having one AK-47 and grenade. And after that, when our company commander rushed, he also had exchange of fire and in addition to our three martyrs few of our soldiers have minor injuries. This is in a series of incidents where Army and BSF had encounters and have neutralized many infiltrators at Srinagar as well as Jammu frontier. In Rajouri also we killed three of them”, he said.
Kumar said that infiltrators are backed by the Pakistan army and they are desperate to infiltrate from the International Border and Line of Control (LoC). “I think the way the things are happening they can’t succeed without active support of Pakistan army…The intelligence agencies has always warned us that there are people sitting on the other side on launching pads and they are trying to infiltrate. And this is not here only on LoC, in Jammu as well on IB on July 10 you have seen how four infiltrators were trying to infiltrate and there the situation was different and when contacted our counterpart they somehow restricted them and took them back. So both at IB and LoC there are desperate attempts to infiltrate”, he added.
The BSF officer said that they have intensified vigil along the LoC to make the infiltration attempts unsuccessful. “The vigil has been intensified and more troops have been sent there. As you know we are working under operational command of Army and we are in touch with them… We have intelligence reports that they are waiting on the LoC and we are trying to make their attempts unsuccessful. There are people sitting across at IB and LoC as well and they are desperate to infiltrate. Naturally if they succeed in infiltration, it will cause many problems for us and we are there only to stop it… When the snow melts their activities increase and we make efforts to make their attempts unsuccessful”, he said.
Kumar said that it is positive sign that the infiltrators are being engaged and neutralized at the border itself. “You know the situation in the Valley and the role of infiltrators and everything is combine and we have started engaging them at border itself and that is a positive sign”, he said.