‘Pak-backed’ Hafiz Saeed provoking militants in terror camps across IB, LoC: BSF

JAMMU :  BSF today said Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed is delivering provocational speeches in terror camps across international border and Line of Control to wage war against India by launching attacks.
“Movement of Hafiz Saeed across international border is a clear indication that he is being “backed” by the Pakistan Rangers and their Army,” Rakesh Sharma, Inspector General, BSF, Jammu Frontier told reporters at a press conference here.
“Off or on, Hafiz Saeed is seen and heard across the border and terrorists are being motivated, provocated by him to launch attacks on LoC, IB,” the IG said.
The top BSF officer said,”There are reports that Pakistan is also using convicts and those facing death sentences, having criminal records against India across the border.” The IG however, also said there was more than 100 per cent ceasefire violations from mid 2014 to October this year. He said, 45 infiltration attempts have been made so far in 2015. (UNI)