Pak ceasefire violatons

The Pak ceasefire violations continue all along LoC unabated resulting  in esclated tension among the people living close to borders. Many civilians have been killed and huge  property stand damaged due to heavy shelling by Pak troops. All the schools close to borders remain closed.
Our soldiers are fighting tooth and nail day in and day out for maintaining sovereignty and integrity of the country for which we  all salute them. Their sacrifices will not go waste and we have full faith in our Army whose valour is known throughout the world. Recent attack in Macchil area where our three Army soldiers got killed has pained us in severity. Pakistan is a country where terrorists are groomed and terrorism is funded with the sole purpose to weaken India. Internally Pakistan is largely disturbed especially in Bulochistan and in Pak occupied Kashmir. To divert their attention from the disturbed situation they attack India by one way or the other. How long this kind of gimmick will go on ? In any opinion, the present dispensation in the Centre under the leadership of PM Modi  will find a solution to this problem.
Yours etc…
S N Raina