Pak dismisses Indian bid to portray itself as terror victim

ISLAMABAD, Sep 30: Pakistan has said it was well documented that India was not only committing state terrorism held in Kashmir but also abroad, media reports said.
Pakistani diplomat Muhammad Faheem stated this before the 193-member UN General Assembly in response to Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar’s accusation that Pakistan was a promoter of terrorism, the Dawn reported.
The minister said a dysfunctional nation “coveting the lands of others” must be exposed and must be countered. The issue to be resolved between the two countries only relates to Azad Kashmir, he claimed.
According to reports, Jaishankar protested against Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s Kashmir dispute remark in the General Assembly and accused Islamabad of promoting cross-border terrorism.
PM Shehbaz urged Israel and India to cease targeting innocent Palestinians and Kashmiris in a forceful speech on September 28.
While exercising his right of reply after the Indian minister’s speech on Saturday, Faheem said, “It is most ironic that India, which is committing the worst form of state terrorism in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir while also actively engaging in sponsoring terrorism abroad, is portraying itself as the victim.”
The third secretary at Pakistan’s mission in the US, Faheem, said, “It is a familiar ploy of all occupiers and colonisers to paint legitimate struggles for freedom and liberation as terrorism. India is failing to grasp the enormity of the indigenous Kashmiri resistance against its stranglehold and wrongly calling it cross-border terrorism.”
He said, “India must introspect, reflect, and immediately implement the Security Council resolutions that provide for the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination.”
Faheem called for holding India accountable for its actions that violate international law.
Highlighting that India finances terrorism against Pakistan using its proxies, he said New Delhi’s campaign to damage and destroy Pakistan’s economy was no secret, including by impeding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor through the sponsorship of terrorist groups such as the Baloch Liberation Army and the Majeed Brigade.
“India is also supporting terrorism in Balochistan,” he added.
“India’s assassination campaign against its dissidents residing overseas has been exposed in Canada and the United States, while its leaders publicly boast of murdering their citizens abroad,” he said.