Pak exporting terror amid India’s fight against Corona: Army chief

Chief of Army Staff General M M Naravane during his visit to the LoC in North Kashmir on Friday. -Excelsior Photo
Chief of Army Staff General M M Naravane during his visit to the LoC in North Kashmir on Friday. -Excelsior Photo

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 17: Army chief General MM Naravane today said at a time when India is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and is assisting other nations by exporting essential medical supplies, Pakistan is exporting terror.
This he said after his two-day visit to forward areas near the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir. His visit came amid an increase in ceasefire violations and targeting of civilians by the Pakistan troops along the LoC.
The General said: “While India is sending out medical teams to other countries and exporting medicines, Pakistan is only exporting terror.”
The Army chief said it is unfortunate that while the world has got together to fight COVID-19, Pakistan has resorted to firing heavy calibre artillery and killing innocent Kashmiris, including an eight-year-old boy to garner international attention.
Gen Naravane said that even in hinterland, Pakistan-backed terrorists have resorted to targeting innocent civilians with an aim to coerce them into following their narrative.
“Pakistan claims to be a friend of Kashmiris. I want to ask what sort of friend resorts to killing and spreading terror? I met our awam (people) and reassured them of our commitment and support in ensuring peace, prosperity and stability to the region,” he said.
The Army chief warned of strong response against Pakistan against ceasefire violations and supporting militancy in Kashmir. “I would like to emphasise that the Indian Army will give proportionate response to all acts of infringement of ceasefire and its support to terrorism. The onus remains with Pakistan to bring peace in the region. Unless Pakistan gives up its policy of state-sponsored terrorism, we will continue to respond with impunity and precision,” Gen Naravane said.
Srinagar based Defence spokesman, Colonel Rajesh Kalia said that that the Army chief continued to review the security situation along the Line of Control on second day of his visit.
The COAS accompanied by the Northern Army Commander Lt Gen YK Joshi and Chinar Corps Commander, Lt Gen BS Raju visited the formations and units, wherein the local Commanders briefed him on the existing security situation and the measures instituted so that infiltration bids by terrorists are foiled.
“The Chief of Army Staff was briefed by the local Commanders on the situation on the Line of Control, ceasefire violations, our retaliations, counter infiltration operations and operational preparedness being maintained. During his interaction with the soldiers on snow clad heights, he was appreciative of the sharp vigil and alertness along the Line of Control and high morale of the troops”, he said.
The spokesman said that the Army chief impressed upon the Commanders to maintain strict vigil along the Line of Control and remain prepared to give a befitting reply to any misadventure from across and exhorted the soldiers to remain alert for any eventuality.