Pak fixation

This has reference to the article ‘ India needs to get over its Pak fixation’ DE Oct 10, 2018.
The author has rightly stated that the Governemnt of India should not attach more importance to Pakistan, the rogue nation. India as a sovereign country has to move beyond this Pak fixation, and carve out at a special position for herself in the comity of nations in different fields of life. The more your give prominence to Pakistan, the more it becoems belligerent.
It survives on anti-India sentiment, and its national narrative remains dismember India. The best way to deal with rogue nation is cut off all relations with it and the same time remain prepared militarily and economically in case it embarks on any misadventure in the coming times.
India should rather focus on neighbouring countries and promote ties with them. This will enable India to promote its national objectives.
Pak fixation is not going to do any good to India.
Satish Kapahi