Pak in ‘Terror Blacklist’

Refer news FATF puts ‘Pak in terror blacklist’ DE Aug 24, 2019.
The Bible Proverb ‘For they sow the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind’ aptly sums the actions of Pakistan. Pakistan continues to be a continuous fountainhead of terrorism in the world. Her constant support of militancy in Kashmir and Pakistan has made the life of people quite miserable in these countries. Despite warned not to support terrorism, she has been extending all sort of help to militants whether it is moral, militancy or financial.
If it is not contained right now by world community. It will become a grave threat to world peace in the coming times.
But putting the country in terror ‘blacklist’. The Asia Pacific Group of the FATF has taken a right step in this direction.
In case Pakistan does not mend her way even after this measure, the world community must impose all kinds of sanctions of Pakistan to bring her down on knees.
Ajit Kumar
on e-mail