Pak refugees

Brig Anil Gupta is writing very good   articles on plight of West Pak refugees. Vote bank politics has  almost destroyed India. Ex Union Minister Anthony’s report that Congress lost elections because its anti Hindu policy  should be lesson for all.
Case of West Pak refugees is world’s gravest human rights violation.  These people have not cast there vote since independence. These people lost their relatives in 47 war, 62 war, 65  and 71 wars.  They are jawans and kisans.  Where is ” Jai Jawan Jai Kisan ” slogan as far as these people are concerned. These people contribute to security forces also. Had they belonged to some other community ( other than Sikhs or Hindus), their conditions would have been different.
Yours etc….
P N Bali
70/14, Nanak Nagar