Pak sponsored terrorism, separatism posing grave threat to Kashmir: Naqvi

Avtar Bhat

BJP leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi addressing an election rally at Kargil on Thursday.
BJP leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi addressing an election rally at Kargil on Thursday.

KARGIL (LADAKH), May 1: BJP national vice president and party spokesman, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi today said Pakistan sponsored separatism and terrorism posed a grave threat to Kashmir and Kashmiriyat.
Addressing mammoth election rallies in favour of BJP candidate from Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency, Thupstan Chhewang at Kargil and Drass today, the BJP leader lamented that Kashmir, Kargil, Leh and Jammu were increasingly getting isolated from the national development mainstream due to wrong policies of both Congress and NC Governments at State and Centre.
He said the economic packages running into billions of rupees being pumped into the State are not being utilized for improving the socio-economic educational condition of these under developed areas but to fill the coffers of the ruling Party. Consequently, the people of these areas are living the life of paupers while the ruling Congress-NC alliance is getting richer day by day, he added.
Mr Naqvi said corruption and mis- governance were the other enemies for progress of people in J&K State. The youth of the State are getting trapped in the quagmire of unemployment and misery. The separatist forces are taking advantage of the situation, while Congress and its ally were turning the situation to advance their political interests. Corruption and terrorism are equally responsible for the plight of the people on this paradise on earth, he added.
Making a scathing attack on National Conference (NC), Mr Naqvi said that NC patriarch and Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy, Dr Farooq Abdullah and his Chief Minister son, Omar Abdullah were responsible for Kashmir situation which is in the grip of turmoil for a quarter century now.
He took NC leadership to task saying that they were befooling the people by selling new dreams every time while they were responsible for prevailing mess in the State.
He also accused the NC –Congress coalition Government for ignoring the Kargil district of Ladakh region in developmental sphere. The two parties have totally failed to come to the expectations of the people of this border and remote district.
Lambasting the National Conference leadership for joining hands with Congress, he said Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah had once said that his party will have no link to those who voted for Congress and  Dr Farooq Abdullah and Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah are now dancing to the tunes of Congress High Command just to remain in power.
Strongly condemning the recent statement of NC patriarch Dr Farooq Abdullah that those who voted for BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi should drown in the sea, he  said it shows that NC is afraid of growing popularity of Mr Modi as the countdown for coalition rule led by NC in J&K has begun.
Mr Naqvi said NC may try to support BJP after May 17 but if they will make an offer the BJP will turn it down outright.
Maintaining that BJP was not anti Muslims, he said the Party is for their economic as well as social upliftment at par with other communities of the country and those spreading the canards in this regard are worst enemies of Muslims.
He said overall development of Ladakh region will be the top priority of Mr Modi led Government at Centre and besides the granting of Union Territory Status to  Ladakh region,  construction of all weather Zojila tunnel to Kargil,  linking Kargil with air traffic to rest of the country and opening of Kargil Iskardoo road is in the BJP’s agenda.
He alleged that the increasing price of Petroleum products in the country was as India purchases petrol from US and it would have been three times less had the same been purchased from Iran.
He said Pakistan was also making a propaganda against Mr Modi as it is afraid of him and after coming to power BJP Government will raise voice for Shia Muslims of Pakistan who are subjected to atrocities.