Pak still harbours terrorists

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has said that Pakistan continued to harbour terrorists that turn around and kill American soldiers. She has, therefore, asserted that Washington should not give Islamabad even a Dollar until it addresses the issue.
Haley, it may be noted, is the first Indian American ever appointed to a cabinet position in any US Presidential administration and she has categorically impressed upon the fact that America should not give any money to countries that wish harm to America, go behind its back and try and “stop us from doing things”. She further maintained, looking to the no change in Pakistan’s policy, that there should be a strategic view on which countries America partnered with , which ones were counted on to work with on certain things and move forward accordingly.
It is increasingly getting unfolded as to how Pakistan played double policies even with a country like the US that has been giving that country phenomenal financial assistance liberally and special “reimbursement” for the expenses incurred in “fighting terrorism ” on its soil but since Pakistan cannot do without sponsoring terrorism as its state policy, even the US interests were no concern to it but not now without a cost and that is proposal to stop aiding Pakistan financially by the US.