Pak terror structure

Inspector General of Border Security Force organization did not reveal anything that would spring surprise. The point he highlighted more than once was that Pakistan-based jihadi organizations like LeT, Jaish-e-Muhammad, Hizbul Mujahideen and others of their ilk were more intensely coordinating their terrorist activities, of course in unison with Pakistani army. In his lengthy press conference, the IG touched on a variety of aspects of terrorism in Kashmir. He conceded that instances of firing across the LoC as well as IB from Pakistan have increased twofold during the current year in comparison to previous years. The ceasefire agreement was violated umpteen times despite repeated warnings from our side and during the flag march meetings.  Also infiltration bids by Pakistani jihadis had increased and at present around 60 jihadis were in readiness to sneak into our side of the LoC to continue their subversive activities.
The IG disclosed that Hafiz Saeed, the chief of al Dawa organization of which LeT is the armed wing, has been paying visits to forward areas in PoK and delivering inflammatory speeches to the jihadis and preparing them for jihad in Kashmir. Intelligence reports gathered by the BSF from its sources reveal that Hafiz Saeed is infusing jihadis suicide bombers with hate-India spirit and lauding the virtues of suicidal attacks. Pakistan did not contradict the allegation that LeT was actually raised and funded by ISI and that retired Pakistan army officers are engaged in training jihadis in terrorist camps established by it in PoK and in frontier areas. Hafiz Saeed has been visiting these camps in the accompaniment of Pakistani army strategists to boost the morale of jihadi suicide bombers and give them updated briefing on the conduct of subversive activities after sneaking into our side.  It has to be noted that ISI has escalated firing not only along LoC but also IB and particularly in Kathua, RS Pura and Samba sector. The purpose is to scare the civilian population along the border so that the refugee problem crops up for the administrative machinery. There is more infiltration and clashes happen often on the border and border area. These are the tactics of proxy war and Pakistan wants to find a weak point where it can concentrate and strike with force and thereby disrupt law and order in the State. Additionally, ISI moles within Kashmir polity have also been activated. In recent months we have seen a spate of protests, rallies and hartals taking place in Kashmir valley. Along with Pakistani flags, the flags of ISIS are also fluttering after Friday prayer congregations begin to disperse or at any other occasion. Radicalization of Kashmir Muslim community is brought to fast track in the hope of creating support structure for pro-Pakistan propaganda. This all is termed by Pakistan as psychological, moral and diplomatic support to so-called Kashmir freedom movement. We see that Pakistan is least caring to observe international norms of normal relations with its neighbour
Proxy war is the new strategy of rogue nations. Pakistan is emboldened in her adventurous activities on Indian border firstly because of known direct support from China and secondly because of indirect support from the US. China is out to support Pakistan’s jihadi terror in India because of China’s inherent rivalry with India for the leadership of Asia. As far as the US is concerned, that country has deep interests in Saudi Arabian monarchy. Since Pakistan provides military support and security to the Saudi monarchy in which the US is her accomplice, therefore the US has special relationship with Pakistan. The US launched attack on Saddam Husain’s Iraq for alleged development of nuclear power which, however, was disproved by later events. It imposed sanctions on Iran for the same crime and finally has negotiated a deal. But in the case of Pakistan, it closed its eye when Pakistan was stealing technology from European countries or importing nuclear accessories from China. The US wanted a nuclear Pakistan that would deter not only India but also Iran because Iran, in her perception, is a big threat to Saudi monarchy.
In this background, India has to shape her foreign policy as well as her border policy with utmost caution and wisdom. India may need to mount pressure in Baluchistan where freedom movement is gaining momentum. She has also to strengthen her friendship with Afghanistan and disallow Pakistan depth westward for which Islamabad is trying to mollify Washington. As regards border firing and infiltration bids, our security forces of all hues have to upgrade surveillance of the border, adequate response to firing and bombing and use of matching weaponry etc. It is something like tooth for tooth and eye for eye, and nothing necessarily more than that. The key to pinning down the jihadis along LoC and IB rests in stepping up Baluchistan freedom struggle for separation and independence. Second partition of Pakistan should be the objective, and all efforts have to be diverted towards that end.