Pak, terrorists, separatist nexus Threatens to disturb peace: DM

Neeraj Rohmetra
Jammu, May 8: Though the security situation in the border State has been stable for the past some time, the nexus between the Pakistani elements, terrorists and the separatists continued with their attempts to foment trouble.
These serious apprehensions have been expressed by the Ministry of Defence in its latest annual report. “There has been overall reduction in the level of violence during the past one year, but elements who formed part of this nexus continued with their sustained efforts to disturb peace in the State”, the report said, adding, “their basic aim is to internationalise the Kashmir issue and they would adopt all possible means required to achieve this purpose”.
The report stated that the Pakistan’s support to the ongoing proxy war continued unabated and the terrorist infrastructure, both in Pakistan and Pak Occupied Kashmir (PoK) also remained intact. Infiltration attempts into Jammu and Kashmir by terrorists from across the border are continuing, although the Security forces are effectively tackling such attempts. Also, the activities of certain militant groups, who continued to be engaged in building up capabilities are being closely monitored.
“India has maintained that a strong and prosperous neighbour is in its best interest and has supported dialogue and engagement with Pakistan. However, security concerns vis-à-vis Pakistan continued to be a cause of concern due to the undiminished activities of terrorist organizations functioning on its territory. The existence of terrorist camps across the India-Pak border and continued infiltration across the Line of Control (LoC) continued to post a threat”.
The report stated that Army and other Security Forces have been acting as major contributors in improving the overall security environment in the State through persistent proactive and surgical Counter Terrorist operations. The surges in domestic and foreign tourism are all indicative of the achievements of the Armed Forces in providing conductive and secure environment. Through the situation has improved, there is need to consolidate the gains.”
While commenting on the situation along the borders, the Report stated that the ceasefire on the borders is holding out with a few aberrations. There have been 56 cases of ceasefire violations along the borders during the current year, as compared to 57 in 2010. The incidents of ceasefire violations are being taken up through the established mechanism of DGMOs talks, local level flag meetings and hotlines.
Strict vigil is being maintained along the borders and Counter Infiltration measures being adopted by the Army have been strengthened further. “Infiltration attempts, however continued to take place with help from across the border”.
Incidents of terrorist related violence remained low due to the operational ascendancy achieved by the Army. The terrorist leadership has successfully been targeted and many terrorist leaders have been neutralized. Security Forces are committed to the defence of the country from external and internal threats across the entire spectrum of warfare and the Army operations have significantly reduced the terrorist related incidents.
While commenting on the developments along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the report commented that the Army is fully seized of the security need of the country as well as the requirement of development of infrastructure and force structuring to secure the desired national objectives along the Northern borders. A holistic review of the infrastructural development and military mordernisation programme has been undertaken in consonance with the overall Border Areas Development Programme. Strategically important infrastructure requirements along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) have been identified and are being developed in a phased manner.
While policy of positive engagement and maintaining peace and tranquility along the LAC is being followed, concurrently necessary development of infrastructure and military preparedness to include force mordernisation continue to meet the present and future security challenge, the report added.