Pak trying to push intruders to spread terror: Lt Gen Singh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 17: Northern Command chief Lt Gen Ranbir Singh said today that Pakistan was indulging in ceasefire violations on the Line of Control (LoC) to push infiltrators into Jammu and Kashmir to spread terror but declared that Army was alert on the borders and fully capable to thwart such attempts and give befitting reply to misadventures by the enemy.
Speaking to reporters on sidelines of a function to inaugurate Kalai bridge in Poonch district, Lt Gen Singh said Indian Army has given very befitting and effective response to ceasefire violations and sniping incidents by the Pakistani troops on the LoC and confirmed that Pakistan has suffered heavy losses in Indian retaliation including the killing of their five jawans.
“We all know about situation prevailing on the LoC for the past several years. Pakistan has been indulging in ceasefire violations with a view to push trained infiltrators into this side to spread terror. The incidents of firing on the LoC were also aimed at helping the militants to infiltrate,” he said. Click here to watch video
Asserting that Army was fully alert along the borders and capable to give effective response to Pakistan, the Northern Command chief said the intercepts and reports have suggested that not only the Pakistan army but even the infiltrators, whom Pakistan was planning to push into the State, have suffered heavy losses in retaliatory firing by the Indian Army.
“Indian Army is one step ahead of Pakistan. Any kind of misadventure by Pakistani troops will be effectively retaliated in same manner. I assure everyone that the troops were fully prepared to deal with any kind of situation on the borders,” Lt Gen Ranbir Singh declared.
As reported, five Pakistan army personnel were killed and three others seriously injured while seven posts and bunkers of the enemy were destroyed in retaliatory firing by the Indian troops on the LoC to silence the Pakistani guns, which had been targeting forward posts of the Indian Army besides civilian locations. Pakistani troops were also trying to give covering fire to the militants for infiltration into Jammu and Kashmir.
Describing 2018 as “productive year” on security front for the armed forces, Lt Gen Ranbir Singh said the troops broke record of past 10 years by killing highest number of over 250 militants while 54 others were arrested and four surrendered.
“Pressure was built on the militants to surrender. Some of the militants were captured alive,” he said, adding the successes on “anti-militancy front” by Army in cooperation with other security agencies showed how successful the operations of security forces had been.
The Northern Army Commander said the militants, who were spreading terror and trying to kill civilians have been taught a lesson and their “evil designs” have been foiled with killing, arrest and surrender of number of militants in the Kashmir Valley last year.
“It was in view of capability of security forces that several successful operations were carried out against the militants in Kashmir. The militants, who were trying to fan terrorism across the Valley, were neutralized in good numbers. With the killings, designs of the militants in Kashmir were foiled,” he said.
Replying to a question on planting of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) on the Line of Control (LoC) in Nowshera sector of Rajouri district by the infiltrators, the Army Commander said the planting of the IEDs is not a new thing as they have been doing this for past several years.
“They plant the IEDs and flee away. But we have the latest equipments to detect the IEDs. However, some times, the IEDs go off, leading to explosions but we keep on using the equipments to detect the IEDs well in time to minimize the casualties,” he said.
It may be mentioned here that an Army Major and a soldier were martyred in an IED explosion on the LoC in Nowshera sector of Rajouri district last week. The IED was reported to have been planted by the Border Action Team (BAT) of Pakistan army.
Meanwhile, Lt Gen Singh, accompanied by the White Knight Corps Commander, Lt Gen Paramjit Singh, visited forward posts of Poonch Sector to review the operational preparedness and the prevailing security situation.
During visit to the LoC, the Northern Army Commander was briefed by the Commanders on ground about the current operational situation, prevailing security dynamics and the preparedness of the formations in dealing with the same. He was also briefed on the actions being taken to ensure a robust counter infiltration and counter terrorist grid to enable continued peace and stability in the region.
The Northern Command chief interacted with the soldiers and complimented them for their unwavering dedication to duty, selfless devotion and high standard of professionalism. He appreciated the measures and standard operating procedures instituted by the units and formations in their area of responsibility to minimize the casualties due to ceasefire violations and infiltration bids.
Lt Gen Ranbir Singh appreciated the synergy between all security forces and stressed the need to be prepared for effectively meeting emerging security challenges. He exhorted all ranks on the need to remain vigilant to counter the nefarious designs of the enemy and anti- national elements.
The Army Commander was also updated by the White Knight Corps Commander on current security situation.