Pak again violates ceasefire along IB in Samba

JAMMU : After almost a lull of 12 days, Pakistan troops again violated the truce along International Border (IB) here this morning in Ramgarh sector of Samba, the border district.
“Pakistan violated the ceasefire by firing two bursts in Ramgarh Sector at Stop 2 Border out Post this morning at 1130 hrs,” official spokesperson here said. “The Pakistan Rangers fired two bursts on Indian forward post,” spokesperson said, adding, “own troops observing restrain did not retaliate while no casualty or damage has been reported.”
The violation came after almost 12 days as prior to this Pakistan, after a brief lull of three days, resorted to firing from across the IB in Ramgarh and Arnia sectors today by targeting at least seven posts during Diwali festivity on October 23.