Pakistan exposed

Pakistan has always denied its role in terrorist activities carried in India or against Indian Consulate in Herat. Now, Pakistan’s involvement has been exposed in a Pentagon Report. It reads “Afghan and Indian focused militants continue to operate from Pakistan territory to the detriment of Afghan and regional stability. Pakistan uses these proxy forces to hedge against the loss of influence in Afghanistan and to counter India’s superior military”.
Pakistan will continue to be safe haven for terrorist  unless international community  forces it to wind up these terror producing factories. It is quite ironical that Pakistan fights against one group of militants whom it considers a threat to its existence., but provides moral and logistic support to another  group of militants who are against India.
Indian External Affairs Ministry spokesman Syed Akbaruddin has rightly said  ” it manifests a growing acknowledgment in the international community of the extent of Pakistan’s involvement in international terrorism”  will Pakistan stop these proxies, only time will tell !
Yours etc…..
Subhash Sharma