Brigadier Arun Bajpai
After 65 years of Independence refugee trains are again running in India but unlike the days of Partition when they were running between India and Pakistan this time they are plying within India carrying thousands of terrified North East people from Maharashtra, Pune, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka to NE destinations. These people were threatened for the so called atrocities taking place against Bangladeshi Muslims in Assam. The Indian Home ministry now says that these threats and rumor mongering is the deed of Pakistan basically their intelligence agency ISI and the Indian Home Minister has spoken to Pakistani Home Minister on the issue.
It is the shortsightedness and lack of apprehension in our political masters who refuse to accept the fact that Pakistan will never be our friend come what may. The very existence of Pakistan is based on Jinnah’s two Nation theory. The Day Pakistan accepts that partition was a mistake and that indeed they are friends of India this theory will collapse and maybe Pakistan itself. ISI which is always headed by a Pakistani Army General works under Pakistani Army. It has been created in Pakistan with the sole aim of destabilizing India. It’s Operation TOPAZ whose final Goal is to break up India by thousand cuts is still in force. Even a kindergarten kid in India knows that 26/11 Mumbai terror attack was the handiwork of ISI. Hafiz Mohammad Saeed the head honcho of the Pakistan based terror organization Lashkar -e- Toiba (L-e-T) is in pay of the ISI and Pakistani Army. L-e-T is its Salwar Kameez clad unofficial soldiers terror organization to operate against India. Despite Pakistani economy in doldrums and cash hard to come by, the annual budget of ISI is 400 Million Dollars.
In the current scenario the Pakistani ISI picked up riots scenes of Tibet as also the earthquake destruction, morphed them with the protests in Thailand to make it look like North East of India and uploaded it on the 74 fake identity sites on social network web sites. This material was used to incite the Muslims in India claiming it as atrocities being committed on Muslims in Assam. However the thing which can not be pushed under carpet is the fact that ISI had indigenous help also .Their local modules are working in India. The recent arson and vandalism in Mumbai, Pune, Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad and physical attacks on the NE people in Karnataka are cases in point.
The riots in Assam are not communal at all. The local indigenous Muslim organization of Assam SAGMJP who have a 25 lakh following has openly come out with the statement that the trouble creators are the Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators who are now trying to grab the indigenous land of local people mainly the Bodos. Thanks to the vote bank politics of Indian politicians almost 6000 Bangladeshi Muslims enter India every day from the unfenced Border at Dhubri, Garo Hills in Meghalaya, Karim Gunj and Cachar in Barak Valley, Tripura and West Bengal. These people get ration cards and ID by local Netas and they quickly convert themselves into vote banks. Recently the UPA Government themselves have accepted in Parliament that 84000 Bangladeshi Muslims who had come to India have gone missing. The truth is that today 50 Million Bangladeshi Muslims are in India illegally. Why these borders are not fenced the UPA Government must answer to people of India.
Since the time the short span Prime Minster of India Mr IK Gujral indulging in his Pakistani birthplace nostalgia in eighties took away from the Indian Intelligence Agency RAW the proactive action option, the hands of RAW have been tied and we have always been found reactive to the ISI shenanigans. It is time RAW gets back it proactive capability. Pakistan has enough serious problems of its own in its Baluchistan, Sind, And NWFP Provinces. It is time we also fish in troubled waters in Pakistan in a big way and let two play the game of chess at level platform. Towards this end we have produced world champion Grad masters. As it is Pakistan is on verge of disintegration all that is needed is converting push into shove. No more Aman ki Asha please at least not with Pakistani army and ISI.