Pakistan shelling

It is very shocking that many civilians including two innocent children lost their lives in Pakistan shelling.Pakistan is constantly engaged in passive war against India and has crossed all limits of betrayal and perfidy. India is a tolerant and peace loving nation but pakistan must not take an undue advantage of its kindness .India is no doubt tolerant but is not weak to retaliate against such inhuman acts of pakistan .India adheres to its international obligations and  commitments every time as opposed to Pakistan who constantly commits breach of trust and brazenly favours terrorism at international fora. Elements responsible for unrest in the valley are sponsored by pakistan along with support from China and are engaged in unethical strategy against India.Our dharma is humanity which separates us from  Pakistan.So,we need to be united at this juncture along with the security forces to give a befitting reply to Pakistan .
Yours etc…
Surekha Bhat(Kaw)