Pakistan’s nervousness exposed

Kulbushan Jandial
By stepping up terrorists ‘attacks in Kashmir, scale of which was not witnessed in many years, in the wake of unprecedented participation of the Kashmiris in the first two phases of the J&K Assembly elections, Pakistan has confirmed one thing, be it inadvertently – it is hugely unnerved by the collective rebuff of the Kashmiris to the separatists’ policy of boycotts, indirectly to Pakistan as well. The fidayeen attacks on the army installations on the border, first in Arnia sector and on Friday, in Uri sector along with other attacks in the hinterland of the valley are basically designed to scare away the voters from the polling booths to show to the world that the people of Kashmir are not with India. Since the earlier terrorists’ attacks got a befitting rebuff from the unpredictable Kashmiri voters, a series of gruesome and dastardly attacks were launched on Friday to instill fear in the minds of the voters of remaining constituencies in coming phases.
To what extent it succeeds will be seen on 9th December when the State would go for the third phase polling. But going by the outburst of some of the potential voters, mostly the youth of Uri seen on TV channels on the conclusion of the operation- “they would not be cowed down by such attacks and the people would come out in huge number on 9th December to exercise their right of franchise”, the attacks are not likely to impact the polling in the remaining phases. And if it goes this way, it would be the greatest tribute to the Indian democracy. And if it doesn’t, even then Pakistan will stand exposed both before the people of J&K as well as the world over. Low polling, if happens, would be attributed to the terrorists’ threats and not that ‘the people are indifferent to the election process’.
These attacks have taken place  within days of Arun Jaitley’s matter-of-fact address to members of the civil society at Srinagar early this week that showcased India’s stand for all future dialogues with neighboring countries on border issues. Jaitley’s emphatic statement that no amount of violence, terrorists’ attacks and threats can redraw India’s boundaries should clear all doubts of allowing secession of any part of Kashmir, whatever Pakistan and her stooges may do.  The message is loud and clear to Pakistan as well as separatists.
These attacks have also negated the repeated claims of even the mainstream parties of the State that heavy polling is only for sarak, bizli,  pani  and not about the resolution of Kashmir issue. They have been crying hoarse that India should not misunderstand the heavy polling. Admittedly, Kashmir issue cannot be resolved by successful conduct of elections in Jammu and Kashmir once again but it is beyond understanding as to why State’s mainstream parties swearing by  Indian as well State constitutions get perturbed over it and speak what Syed Geelani and his likes are trying to interpret rejection of their boycott calls.  Geelani sahib’s dilemma is understandable but why our mainstream politicians are worried if media and Delhi accept that it is our  ‘estranged’ people’s growing faith in Indian democratic system. Intelligent as they are, the people of Kashmir are extremely politically astute. Their actions even in the wake of grave risk have strong messages. Pakistan is quicker to decipher it and under its new scheme of propaganda, attempting to disrupt election process to show to the world that Kashmiris are not with India. But why our mainstream parties are quicker to spike the positive signals?
Strangely, our mainstream regional parties are obsessed with the issues on which they have no control. Relevant these are but wasting entire tenure of the Government on these without any positive headway is self defeating. Five  years’ campaign for revocation of AFSPA  could not convince Govt. of India and Security forces  but still it forms part of the manifesto knowing well that the Modi Govt. in the centre  are not inclined to revoke it unless the army considers the time appropriate for revocation. Who does not know what this commitment means. They are harping on K-resolution on which they have no direct role. The issue has led to atleast three wars and long unproductive bilateral dialogue but it could not be resolved in the last six decades. Some assert that Kashmir would become bridge between India and Pakistan while others say that India should start dialogue with Pakistan in every situation. Will the Central Govt. dare to start dialogue when Pakistan continues to abet terrorism to break India? Will the Centre be guided by national interest or help fulfilling our regional political parties’ agenda for vote bank politics?  National interest can never be compromised which ever political party is ruling the country. But still it forms the main plank of manifestos of these political parties. The pro-separatists section of population is a different class which keeps themselves away from the democratic process. Then why compete with separatists? Why not change the discourse to good governance,  redressal of public grievances and integrating the people of three distinct and diverse regions which is more important than seeking open border with PoK.
The common man is today craving for good governance which aspect our parties have always neglected. Like in other parts of the country, the people are looking forward for a change in a hope to get better days under the next political dispensation. Early end to rampant corruption, nepotism, injustice, discrimination of all kinds, equitable development etc  are some of  the yearning of the people who are coming out braving risk to cast votes to choose their better representatives who can deliver in real time. The governance has to undergo shift from self-centric to people-centric. As part of Indian mainstream, J&K is also looking forward to achey din in the current assembly poll. Let our political parties deliver on the mandate of good governance rather than wasting tenure on matters which are beyond state’s jurisdiction and that amounts to  give credence to the Pakistan and separatists arguments.