Pak’s social media militancy plot foiled

Intelligence agencies have successfully disrupted a major conspiracy by Pakistan-based militant commanders, primarily associated with LeT, JeM, and Hizbul Mujahideen groups, aimed at rekindling militancy and violence in parts of Jammu and Kashmir through the use of social media influencers operating from Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, and Peshawar in Pakistan. These influencers, with a substantial number of followers, were disseminating anti-India content related to Jammu and Kashmir. The efforts to reignite militancy and violence included the involvement of eight organisations and a separatist leader who endorsed the content shared through these suspicious social media accounts. However, timely intervention by intelligence agencies prevented this plot from unfolding, and steps are being taken to block these accounts and address the organisations and separatists involved.
JKP and the security forces have, with unwavering determination, repeatedly thwarted Pakistan’s persistent attempts to infiltrate terrorists into various regions of the Union Territory. Pakistan’s efforts to infuse funds to incite unrest have also been consistently foiled. The recruitment of local terrorists has significantly dwindled to a negligible number. Notably, there has been a cessation of shutdowns and stone-pelting incidents in the Kashmir valley. Frustrated by these setbacks, Pakistan has resorted to trying to incite disturbances in Kashmir under the pretext of the current Middle-East conflict, adhering to its established modus operandi. Nevertheless, our vigilant security agencies have been prompt in countering any such endeavours to influence locals through social media. All such social media accounts have been effectively blocked, and the few accounts on the Indian side influenced by these accounts will also be addressed. Residents of the UT must comprehend that the entire realm of social media is under constant surveillance, and thus, everyone should abstain from engaging in anti-national activities. The well-known fate of Hurriyat leaders who engaged in such activities serves as a stark lesson for all such elements to steer clear of any involvement in such activities. Parents, relatives, and friends play a significant role in enlightening the youth about the consequences of such actions.