Panelists for documentation of Prof Ogra’s contribution

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 24: A webinar on contributions of Prof A.K.Ogra a philanthropist, social activist and a spiritual Guru was organized here. His efforts in different fields and facets of life were highlighted by the speakers in the webinar.
Various speakers dwelt upon the rich contributions made by Prof. Ogra to the society in different fields during his life time especially in preserving culture. His service to Sanatan Dharma and Shaiv parampara of Kashmir was also recalled and it was said that these contributions will always be an inspiration for the future generations.
Prominent among those who participated in the webinar’ included Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, senior BJP & KP leader, Utpal Kaul, coordinator-GKPD, Brijlal Bhat, Chairman-Nangdandi Ashram Dr. Sushil Wattal, a renowned social activist and religious scholar, Dr. R.L.Bhat, Author & intellectual, Virender Raina, President, Panun Kashmir, Sardar Bhupinder Singh Raina, Punjabi poet, Hiralal Bhat, Trustee, PNBMT, Prof. Ashwani Wangno, Upinder Sarup, Arvind Shah, Upinder Kaul, Shivdass Raina, I.K.Raina, Reshi Tikoo, Kuldeep Mattoo, A.K.Kachroo, Meenakshi, Ashish Anand Bhat, V.K.Bhat, N.M.Gadroo, Priya Kaul and Nihar Bhat. Vivek Ogra and R.K.Ogra, son and brother respectively of Prof. Ogra also joined the webinar.
Speakers spoke about the sincere and relentless efforts of Prof. Ogra in regard to the founding of Ramakrishna Mission Ashram at Nagdandi, Kashmir which is currently under the control of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari.
Life-long contributions made by Ogra in the fields of education, science, culture, religious and spiritual pursuits, philanthropic goals and publication of lost historical documents were profusely eulogized by all the participants. It was felt that a formal written documentation regarding the life and contribution of Prof Ogra should be taken in hand by the experts on the subject.
His grip on astrology and pilgrimage programming were also highly praised. He was a direct disciple of Swami Ashokanand, the founder of Nagdandi Ashram and was very close to the legendary Eknath Ranade, the founder of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra.