Pangs of Partition

Name of Book : Dhoop Chaon,
a novel in Hindi
Author : Chand “Deepika”
Pages : 102
Price : Rs 180

This 102-page Hindi novel entitled” DhoopChaon” by Chand Deepika is an absorbing story of Partition period uprooting numerous people from their hearth and homes who later struggled hard for resettling to life with ” old sad memories as also bravely facing many odd “.
The well-told tales of deaths and destruction sends shock waves down the nerves and the story of their survival and struggle makes an inspiring reading.
Chand Deepika , an educationist has good command over the Hind language and her art of narration of high quality. She aptly captures the reader’s attention and holds their sustained interest throughout the novel. Her language is simple but stylish and straight forward touching the inner-most sentiments of the readership.
For me to go through this Hindi novel was an exciting experience which left an indelible imprint on my mind. It is gratifying to note that refugees from Mirpur and other areas showed grit and determination to lead a dignified life through self-sustained struggle.
Chand Deepika is a well educated and experienced who has admirable literary ability to use her pen to weave a unforgettable narrative with educative story of 1947 events and later how those uprooted but enterprising men and women are surging forward in life .
The book is worth its while and may be read by one and all.
( Starline Syndicate Service)