Panun Kashmir calls for policy shift to eliminate terror support structures in J&K

Leaders of Panun Kashmir addressing a press conference at Jammu on Tuesday. — Excelsior/Rakesh
Leaders of Panun Kashmir addressing a press conference at Jammu on Tuesday. — Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 18: Panun Kashmir, a prominent organization advocating for the rights of displaced Kashmiri Hindus, has called for a fundamental shift in the Government of India’s policy towards terrorism and separatism in Jammu and Kashmir.
Addressing a press conference in Jammu, the Organization asserted that the support structures of terrorism and separatism in the region cannot be dismantled unless the Government abandons elements of its policy that trivialize, secularize, and normalize these threats.
Panun Kashmir acknowledged the role of Pakistan and other forces in supporting terrorism but emphasized that ideological subversion within India has also contributed significantly to the problem. The Organization accused successive governments of denying the genocide of Hindus in Kashmir, calling this denial a major victory for terrorist separatism. It criticized the Government’s reluctance to recognize the religious ideology behind terrorism, arguing that this approach has insulated and sustained the terror enterprise in J&K.
While welcoming ongoing operations against terrorist support structures within the administration and political circles, Panun Kashmir stressed that lasting results would only be achieved if the highest echelons of the political class, bureaucracy, academia, and business sector are also targeted. The Organization raised questions about top political leaders involved in the alleged land grab in Bathindi, the settlement of Rohingya refugees in Jammu, and the classification of displaced Kashmiri Hindus as mere “migrants.”
According to Panun Kashmir, internal weaknesses have allowed terrorist separatism to evolve into a self-sustaining mechanism that would persist even if foreign assistance were completely cut off. The organization reiterated its long-standing demand for official recognition of the genocide of Kashmiri Hindus and legal action against its perpetrators under established genocide prevention laws.
Panun Kashmir also advocated for a decisive administrative restructuring of J&K, asserting that the division of the region has become a national necessity. The group proposed the creation of a separate Union Territory for the permanent rehabilitation of displaced Kashmiri Hindus.