Parking problem

This has reference to ‘Bhalla dedicates car parking lot to Gandhi Nagar people.’
The city dwellers face great inconvenience on account of parking space in the city. With drastic increase in number of vehicles, there has been no proportional increase in parking slots.
As a result, it is very difficult for people to park their vehicles in a safety zone. They are forced to park them along road sides which in turn shrinks road space causing traffic snarls.
The people have been demanding creation of multi-storey complex for parking purpose. But this demand has not turned out to be a reality so far.
One has undergo a horrible experience while finding a 6’×5′ space for a vehicle in the city. This experience not only involves time, but  also money which gets consumed in burning fuel.
The dedication  of the parking lot to the people by the Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture by Raman Bhalla is a step in right direction.
Yours etc…
Amit Salgotra
Gandhi Nagar, Jammu