Pathankot: BSF constitutes team to ascertain border breach

Pathankot: BSF constitutes team to ascertain border breach
Pathankot: BSF constitutes team to ascertain border breach

NEW DELHI: Facing flak for possible ingres of terrorists from Indo-Pak border under its nose, BSF has constituted a fact-finding team headed by a DIG-level official to ascertain possible route taken by a group of terrorists who later attacked the Indian Air Force base in Pathankot.

The team will submit its report to the BSF headquarters here within a fortnight.

The headquarters has asked field commanders to provide all assistance to the five-member team which will travel to select areas along the Indo-Pak International Border (IB) in Punjab and Jammu.

Officials said a meeting to deliberate on these issues was held today between Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi and BSF Director General D K Pathak after which it was also decided to chalk out a fresh protocol for checking infiltration and plugging of gaps along the riverine and dense forest areas of the IB.

The said the DG reiterated during his meeting with Mehrishi that it has found no evidence of a breach or emergence of a tunnel or any secret route along the IB in these two states which could have been exploited by the terrorists to sneak in and launch the deadly attack. (AGENCIES)