Patnitop neglected

Refer news item ‘Despite HC’s concern, Govt finding it difficult to ensure planned development in Patnitop’ DE Sep 6.
It is quite dismaying to read that the State Government is not much serious about the development of the scenic spot of Patnitop which is visited by a good number of people throughout the year. In case the spot does not receive much attention it will lose its sheen and importance in the coming days and it will be a great setback to tourism industry of Jammu region. Otherwise also, the tourism sector of this region is in doldrums. The scenic spots, though good in number, have not been developed on the expectations of tourists. These spots do not have much infrastructural facilities so as to pamper the ego of tourists.
These spots even do not find mention on the tourist map of the State, what to talk of national or international map.
The people of this region have time and again drawn the attention of the concerned authorities towards this issue, but all pleas have fallen on deaf years. With the result, these places have lost their importance as tourist destinations.
Kewal Krishan