Pay compensation to farmers

Refer news item ‘Basmati crop in 22,000 hectares suffer heavy damage in Jammu’ DE Jan 2, 2020.
Though the matter has been taken into consideration by the Government, there is need to resolve the issue at the earliest. The effected farmers should not be made to run from pillar to post to get compensation. Usually, it has been seen that the farmer are given peanuts on the name of compensation, and that too after too much later. By that time the farmers suffer a lot, and the compensation they receive at that time, does not help them much. The concerned authorities should process their claims on priority basis, and compensated adequately.
Farmers in India at this juncture are the most suffered lot.They bear the brunt of unseasonal rains and vagaries of weather with great dismay. The more we can do for the farming community, the better it would be.
Veer Singh