PCC chief asks Centre to come clean on rumour mongering

*Cautions people against ‘anti-peace’ forces
Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, July 30: Cautioning the people against the designs of divisive and anti-peace forces hell bent upon to create restlessness among the masses, the J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) president GA Mir has expressed serious concern over the current chaotic situation prevailing in the State.
Mir asked the Central Govt to come clean on rumour mongering in the State for some days, which has sent confusing signals across the State.
Addressing series of public meetings at Halsidar, Hergawas, Gamdoora, Heeward and Dodwagan in Dooru area of South Kashmir, Mir cautioned the people against the designs of disruptive forces vitiating peaceful atmosphere by spreading rumours in the society and asked the Centre to take effective measures to contain such type of forces in order to maintain peace and tranquility.
Referring to the problems confronting people, Mir expressed serious concern over the pathetic condition of inhabitants of far off places in Dooru and elsewhere in Jammu and Kashmir, where people having been facing inconvenience due to non-connectivity of roads, poor supply of electricity, lack of medical facilities, over charging of electric fees and sought immediate redressal of their grievances.
Mir also flayed the Centre over non-availability of funds to Panchayat bodies, saying that Panchayats have not sanctioned funds as reported by the Panchayat bodies, so far, while as it was the right time for the job card holders to earn their livelihood, which has exposed the hollow slogans of Centre about empowering Panchayats, the reality was Centre & State have no policy on this count also, Mir said.
Mir also said that Halsidar Link road that has been sanctioned under NABARD sometime back, but the work was yet to be executed on this road, which was indicative of non-seriousness of the authorities.
He expressed serious concern over the current situation in State specially in Valley and said people were feeling as Centre was going to take some policy decision with regard J&K, which amounts to disturb the socio-political scenario here. He asked the Centre to come clean on such rumour mongering.
Senior Congress leaders, Block presidents, PCC, DCC members and Youth leaders also addressed public gatherings.