PDD employees extend strike till Monday, protest goes on

Power employees staging protest demonstration in Jammu on Friday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Power employees staging protest demonstration in Jammu on Friday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 11: The employees of Power Development Department (PDD) observed complete strike in all the districts of Jammu and Kashmir on the third consecutive day today against the unilateral move of the Government towards unbundling of the department.
The employees also held strong protest demonstration and later took out protest march. They were shouting slogans against the Government move and also in support of their demands. They alleged that Government initiated move without involving the employees who as major stake holders are apprehensive about their future.

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Acting on the call of PEECC, the employees voluntarily joined in the pen down call expressing resentment on the move of the Government to split the Government department into companies. The strike affected the bill generation, distribution, redressal of consumer grievances in the revenue centres along with the hampering of the information transmission to higher authorities. The state IT centres of PDD along with the work in the Divisional offices also remained affected as employees refused to entertain the consumer grievances.
However, in order to avoid inconvenience to consumers, the rapid action teams for fault resolutions/maintain of supply were allowed to continue their assignments.
Later, members led by Jaipal Sharma, Chairman PEECC, Sachin, Convenor PEECC, Sushma Parihar, Ajaz Kazmi, Sanjeev Bali, Jasbir Singh and others while addressing employees raised strongly the service issues arising out of non transparency in unbundling.
The employees called for immediate shelving of this Corporatisation as this is against the interests of employees as Government has failed to conduct DPC, resolve pay anomalies of all cadres. The daily wagers and need based employees who have served for more than 20 years to the department have been awaiting regularisation.
They said the Govt needs to assure in the transition plan document in writing on the terminal benefits like payment of gratuity in one go, leave salary in one go, pension, DA, SRO 43,medical benefits and annual increments, promotional prospects, adherence to seniority rules , benefits of pay commissions accruing to a Government servants of all categories shall be paid immediately at par with the other regular Government departments.
The PEECC resolved that this pen down along with tools down from Saturday onwards shall continue till Monday as Government has failed to start any consultative process with the stakeholders. On Tuesday meeting of the PEECC shall be held after which new action plan shall be given.